ARTICLE – Genetic variability in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm revealed by RAPD markers

Genetic variability in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm revealed by RAPD markers

Fernanda Bered, José Fernandes Barbosa Neto, Bibiana Mariano da Rocha and Fernando Irajá Félix de Carvalho

The objective of this study was to assess and cluster genetic variability in wheat germplasm in order to generate useful information for crop breeders. Fifty-four wheat genotypes from different origins and eras were evaluated based on the use of RAPD markers. Once genetic variability is detected among breeding materials, appropriate crosses can be done, speeding up breeding process and decreasing costs. Of 100 primers screened, 20 produced scorable bands, which generated 91 bands. The average genetic similarity value among all genotype pairs was 0.88, showing large genetic relationships in the wheat germplasm evaluated. The dendogram clustered the genotypes into nine groups and showed efficiency in identifying genetic variability.

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