ARTICLE – Reaction of maize inbred lines to the bacterium Pantoea ananas isolated from Phaeosphaeria leaf spot lesions

Reaction of maize inbred lines to the bacterium Pantoea ananas isolated from Phaeosphaeria leaf spot lesions

Luzia Doretto Paccola-Meirelles; Walter Fernandes Meirelles; Sidney Netto Parentoni; Ivanildo Evaneo Marriel; Alexandre Silva Ferreira and Carlos Roberto Casela

A leaf spot disease in maize has been reported throughout all corn producing areas in Brazil, and its incidence and severity have increased significantly. Initial symptoms are characterized by the development of dark green water-soaked leaf spots, which later turn into straw-colored necrotic lesions. Some authors associated the symptoms of this disease to those of the disease Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot caused by fungus Phaeosphaeria maydis (f. imperf. Phyllosticta sp.). However, we reported in previous works the involvement of a bacterium, the Pantoea ananas (syn. Erwinia ananas) as the initiator agent this disease. The aim of this work was to evaluate the behavior of corn genotypes when inoculated with P. ananas in the greenhouse. The results reinforced those previously obtained that showed the role of the bacterium as the initiator agent of the disease.

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