CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Valente’ – black common bean

‘BRS Valente’ – black common bean

Maria José Del Peloso; Joaquim Geraldo Cáprio da Costa; Carlos Agustín Rava; Geraldo Estevam de Souza Carneiro; Dino Magalhães Soares; Luis Cláudio de Faria; José Luiz Cabrera Díaz; Irajá Ferreira Antunes; Expedito Paulo Silveira; Airton Nonemacher Mesquita; Aloisio Sartorato and Josias Correa de Faria

‘BRS Valente’, developed by Embrapa Rice & Beans, has been indicated since 2001 for cropping in the
states of Goiás/Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul. In 2002, the indication was extended to the states of São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina. The grain is commercially classified as solid colored seed coat (black turtle soup) and presents superior agronomic traits such as yield potential, wide adaptation, good grain quality, erect plant type and resistance to lodging.

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