CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCSBRS126 Dueto: irrigated rice variety resilient to cold and heat at reproductive stage

SCSBRS126 Dueto: irrigated rice variety resilient to cold and heat at reproductive stage

Rubens Marschalek, Natalia Maria de Souza, Laerte Reis Terres, Luis Sangoi, Douglas George de Oliveira, Francieli Weber Stürmer, José Manoel Colombari-Filho, Klaus Konrad Scheuermann, Marcos Lima Campos do Vale, Alexander de Andrade, Adriana Pereira, Ester Wickert, Debora Lainy Silva, Andrey Martinez Rebelo, Paulo Henrique Karling Facchinello, Ariano Martins de Magalhães Junior, Ricieri Verdi, Eduardo Rodrigues Hickel, José Alberto Noldin, Kleber Trabaquini and Diane Simon Rozzetto

Abstract: SCSBRS126 Dueto is a late-maturing high yield performing cultivar released by Epagri/Embrapa/Udesc. It has high tillering capacity, but poor resistance to lodging, medium resistance to blast, with long, slender grains and good sensory/cooking traits, and it has lower sterility under cold stress at microsporogenesis/anthesis and under heat at anthesis.

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