ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction in soybean: evaluation through three methodologies

Genotype x environment interaction in soybean: evaluation through three methodologies

Mauro Cucolotto, Valéria Carpentieri Pípolo, Deoclécio Domingos Garbuglio, Nelson da Silva Fonseca Junior, Deonísio Destro, and Marcos Kazuyuki Kamikoga

Soybean is cultivated in the wide range of environments of Paraná State. Selection for genotypes of high and predictable yields with wide adaptability are main targets of the breeding programs for this region. The adaptability and stability of 30 soybean cultivars of three different maturity groups (early, semi-early and medium maturity) with a focus on grain yield were evaluated in the crop seasons 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 through three different methodologies, in 30 different environments of the state of Paraná. The experiment had the design of random blocks with 3 replications. The genotypes performed differently regarding yield adaptability and stability. Cultivars CD 202 (early), M SOY 7202 and CD 206 (semi-early), and M SOY 7602 (medium) attained the highest level of adaptability and stability of the 30 evaluated environments.

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