ARTICLE – Environmental and genotypic factors associated with genotype by environment interactions in soybean

Environmental and genotypic factors associated with genotype by environment interactions in soybean

Adriano Borges de Oliveira, João Batista Duarte, Lázaro José Chaves, and Mansuêmia Alves Couto

The aim of this study was to quantify the influence of some environmental and genotypic variables on genotype by environment (GE) interactions in soybean. Mean yield data from eighteen test genotypes in eleven experiments in Goiás State, Brazil, were used and analyzed by AMMI method. To identify environmental and genotypic variables related to the GE interaction, simple linear correlations were estimated between the means of these variables and the scores of the first AMMI principal component of the interactions. Successive simple linear regression analyses were also carried stepwise, in order to relate the GE interaction of each genotype to the observed environmental factors. The environmental factors that influenced the GE interactions most were altitude, maximum temperature, end-of-cycle disease complex, total rainfall and soil fertility. The genotypic variables days to maturity and reaction to end-of-cycle disease complex were most associated with GE interactions.

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