ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in Eucalyptus spp. clones by molecular RAPD markers

Genetic divergence in Eucalyptus spp. clones by molecular RAPD markers

Bruno Ettore Pavan, Rinaldo César de Paula, Janete Apparecida Desidério Sena, César Augusto Valencise Bonine, and Edimar Aparecido Scarpinatti

The genetic divergence in 20 Eucalyptus spp. clones was evaluated by multivariate techniques based on 167 RAPD markers, of which 155 were polymorphic and 12 monomorphic. The measures of genetic distances were obtained by the arithmetic complement of the coefficients of Jaccard and of Sorenso-Nei and Li and evaluated by the hierarchical methods of Single Linkage clustering and Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA). Independent of the dissimilarity coefficient, the greatest divergence was found between clones 7 and 17 and the smallest between the clones 11 and 14. Clone clustering was little influenced by the applied procedure so that, adopting the same percentage of divergence, the UPGMA identified two groups less for the coefficient of Sorenso-Nei and Li. The clones evidenced considerable genetic divergence, which is partly associated to the origin of the study material. The clusters formed by the UPGMA clustering algorithm associated to the arithmetic complement of Jaccard were most consistent.

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