ARTICLE – In vitro morphogenesis in zygotic embryos and leaf sheaths of Euterpe edulis Martius (Arecaceae)

In vitro morphogenesis in zygotic embryos and leaf sheaths of Euterpe edulis Martius (Arecaceae)

Cleber Witt Saldanha, Maisa Pimentel Martins-Corder, Douglas André Steinmacher, and Miguel Pedro Guerra

Different factors associated to somatic embryogenesis induction in Euterpe edulis were investigated in the present study. Zygotic embryos were inoculated in MS culture medium supplemented with 2.4-D (0, 30, 35, 40 mg L-1), 3 mg L-1 2iP, 0.5 g L-1 glutamine, 0.5 g L-1 activated charcoal; 30 g L-1 glucose or sucrose and gelled with 5 g L-1 Agar. Leaf sheaths were inoculated on MS culture medium supplemented with Picloram (72.3 mg L-1) or 2.4-D (66.3 mg L-1), 3 mg L-1 2iP, glutamine (0; 0.29; 0.58; 1.17 g L-1), 1.5 g L-1 activated charcoal and gelled with 2.5 g L-1 Phytagel®. Indirect somatic embryos were induced from zygotic embryos on culture medium with 40 mg L-1 2.4-D and 30 g L-1 sucrose. The highest percentage of callus formation on leaf sheaths occurred in MS culture medium supplemented with 1.17 g L-1 glutamine and 66.3 mg L-1 2.4- D.

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