CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Supremo’: a black common bean cultivar with erect plant type recommended for central west and south Brazil

‘BRS Supremo’: a black common bean cultivar with erect plant type recommended for central west and south Brazil

Costa, J. G. C. Da Faria, L. C. De Rava, C. A. Del Peloso, M. J. Melo, L. C. Cabrera Diaz, J. L. Faria, J. C. De Silva, H. T. Da Sartorato, A. Bassinello, P. Z. Zimmermann, F. J. P.

The black bean cultivar BRS Supremo developed by Embrapa Rice and Beans was released for cultivation in the States Santa Catarina, Paraná, Goiás and the Federal District. This cultivar is resistant to several rust pathotypes, to bean common mosaic virus and to four pathotypes caused by the anthracnose agent.

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