ARTICLE – Correlations and path analysis in peanut

Correlations and path analysis in peanut

Regina Lucia Ferreira Gomes, and Ângela Celis de Almeida Lopes

Genetic parameters of agronomical traits of peanut were estimated and the coefficients of genotypic correlation between the grain yield and the primary components of the yield apportioned into direct and indirect effects. The cultivars (Tatu, BR 1, L.7 Vermelha, CNPA 75 AM, CNPA 76 AM, CNPA 68 AM, L.8.14.12, L.8.14.01 and L.7 Bege) were evaluated in Teresina, state of Piauí. The highest estimates of the coefficient of genotypic determination and of the relation b were obtained for weight of 100 seeds, number of pods plot-1, grain yield, number of seeds pod-1 and pod yield. The spliting of the genotypic correlations into grain yield and the primary components, in direct and indirect effects, shows that the grain yield was positively influenced by the number of pods plot-1 and weight of 100 seeds, and negatively by the number of seeds pod-1. In a favorable sense, the number of pods plot-1 was the trait of greatest direct influence on the grain yield.

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