ARTICLE – Estimates of genetic variance components in asparagus hybrids in two cultivation systems

Estimates of genetic variance components in asparagus hybrids in two cultivation systems

Pablo Diego Asprelli, Fernando López Anido, and Enrique Cointry

In order to determine the genetic variance components and heritability of six pistillate and six asparagus elite plants, 18 hybrids were evaluated for yield traits in two cultivation systems (blanched and green asparagus) in two harvest periods. The circular partial diallel scheme was replicated twice in 20-plant plots in a randomized block design. The differences between the GCA and SCA effects varied depending on plant age and cultivation systems. The relative importance of the ratio of the combining ability variance showed that the additive components of variance were more important than the non-additive components. The GCA effects of three pistillate and two staminate plants as well as the SCA effects of three crosses were favorable for yield traits.

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