ARTICLE – Localized mapping of RAPD markers in Eucalyptus grandis

Localized mapping of RAPD markers in Eucalyptus grandis

Eduardo Nogueira Campinhos, Marcelo Luiz de Laia, Dario Grattapaglia, Fernando L. Bertolucci, Acelino Couto Alfenas, and Edgard Augusto de Toledo Picoli

Studies on the QTL expression and the adequacy of methodologies involved in the analysis of molecular markers are important to make an effective use of molecular markers in genetic forest improvement programs possible. The technique of localized mapping was used aiming at the saturation of a specific genomic region in the linkage map of an E. grandis (G1) genotype with new RAPD markers. To saturate the region of interest containing one QTL for volumetric growth, five of the 265 oligonucleotides tested for polymorphisms among the DNA clusters have seven RAPD markers mapped in the same group of the marker R4_1300, proving the efficiency of the technique in localized mapping in specific regions of genetic linkage maps. Such results are necessary to make the application of molecular markers in genetic improvement programs for Eucalyptus feasible.

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