ARTICLE – Using of relatedness and heritability in a Eucalyptus benthamii trial for conservation and breeding

Using of relatedness and heritability in a Eucalyptus benthamii trial for conservation and breeding

Bruno Marchetti de Souza, Lucas Moura de Abreu, Marilia de Castro Rodrigues Pappas, Vânia Azevedo, Paulo Eduardo Telles dos Santos, Valderes Aparecida de Sousa, Rodrigo Furtado dos Santos, Maria Teresa Gomes Lopes and Ananda Virginia Aguiar

Abstract: We evaluated the genetic diversity, coancestry and heritability of an E. benthamii trial. The 115 individuals were genotyped (13 SSR) and had their height and diameter at breast height (dbh) measured. Heritability was estimated using the RR-BLUP and the pairwise kinship coefficient method. An average of nine alleles per locus was observed. The expected heterozygosity (0.655) was similar to the observed heterozygosity, with the estimated inbreeding (0.02) being low. The group coancestry (0.051) demonstrates that the trees are related to some degree. The trees were clustered in five groups using the Evanno’s method. The average kinship within each group ranges from 0.042 to 0.082. The heritability estimated by RR-BLUP was low. The heritability estimated using the kinship coefficients is moderate, reaching estimated genetic gains of 14% for dbh. After knowing how genetic groups are distributed within the population, strategies for collecting, conserving, and using these germplasm resources can be performed.

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