ARTICLE – Genotype by environment interaction and stability analyses of durum wheat elite lines evaluated in Ethiopia

Genotype by environment interaction and stability analyses of durum wheat elite lines evaluated in Ethiopia

Shitaye Homma Megerssa, Yewubdar Shewaye Ishetu, Masresha Hailu and Alemayehu Zemede Lemma

Abstract: Identifying a stable high-yielding variety is challenging. This paper reports high-yielding and stable durum wheat candidates identified using AMMI, GGE biplot models, and stability parameters. Twenty-five lines were evaluated in 13 environments in 2018 and 2019 using a triplicate row-column design. AMMI, stability, and GGE biplot analyses were conducted using packages in the R statistical software. AMMI indicated highly significant effects of environments, genotypes, and their interactions on grain yield. The highest proportion of the total sum of squares accounted for by the environment (42.3%), followed by the genotype by environment interaction (26.7%), may suggest the presence of diverse environments grouped into mega-environments. The environments fell into three sectors on the which-won-where view of the biplot and they were grouped into two mega-environments. Genotypes 5 and 15 were the highest yielding and most stable among all and are recommended as candidate varieties for the midlands to highlands of Ethiopia.

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