ARTICLE – Identification of RILs for agronomic and grain quality traits in rice through intraspecific crosses

Identification of RILs for agronomic and grain quality traits in rice through intraspecific crosses

Raissa Martins da Silva, Liamara Bahr Thurow, Maicon Nardino, Victoria Freitas de Oliveira, Jennifer Luz Lopes, Latoia Eduarda Maltzahn, Eduardo Venske, Camila Pegoraro, Luciano Carlos da Maia and Antonio Costa Oliveira

Abstract: This study aimed to select recombinant lines and explore phenotypic and genotypic correlations using BLUP. It was conducted in Capão do Leão/RS during two years, in an incomplete block design with intercalary controls, with four replications. 131 and 128 RILs were tested in the F6 in the F7 generations, respectively. Plant height; days to flowering; panicle length; number of panicles per plant; number of fertile and sterile spikelets per panicle; one hundred grains weight; yield per plant; broken, chalky, white-belly and red-streaked grains; vitreous whiteness; gelatinization temperature; and apparent amylose content were obtained. According to the study, line F105 is an elite line for improving grain quality, exhibiting high amylose content (27.041%). Canonical (r=0.817), phenotypic (0.541) and genotypic (0.808) correlations inferred that groups of grain quality and agronomic traits were not independent and there was a tendency for the amylose content to be associated with grain yield.

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