CULTIVAR RELEASE – Deep purple – an open-pollinated variety to induce haploids in tropical maize

Deep purple – an open-pollinated variety to induce haploids in tropical maize

Roberto Fritsche-Neto, Felipe Sabadin, Evellyn Giselly de Oliveira Couto, Pedro Henrique de Souza, Filipe Couto Alves, Giovanni Galli, Ronaldo Borsato Junior, Julio Cesar Dovale, Karina Lima Reis Borges and Deoclécio Domingos Garbuglio

Abstract: Deep purple is an open-pollinated variety, well adapted to tropical conditions, developed to induce maternal haploids in maize. The founders were W23, Stock6, and an experimental tropical maize population. The inducer population inherits the dominant the R1-nj marker, and the expected real haploid induction rate is 3%.

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