ARTICLE – Development and characterization of elite doubled haploid lines of ornamental kale

Development and characterization of elite doubled haploid lines of ornamental kale

Mast Ram Dhiman, Raj Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Chander Prakash and Anita Rana

Abstract: The ornamental kale, scientifically known as Brassica oleracea var acephala, stands out as an attractive plant admired for its vibrant leaves that grace the winter season. Notably, the hybrid KTOK-28-1 × KTOK-40-1 demon-started the highest embryogenesis rate, yielding 56.12 embryos per Petri dish. This efficiency largely hinges on the characteristics of the donor plants used. Through flow cytometry analysis, approximately 61% of spontaneous doubled haploids (DH) were identified. These individuals exhibited normal flower development and successfully produced seeds when subjected to bud pollination. The compatibility index values exhibited variation among different DH lines, ranging from 1.0 to 13.12. This diversity is promising for the development of superior hybrids. Noteworthy among the DHs were KTDH-52, KTDH-56, and KTDH-57, exhibiting suitability for various horticultural traits. The emergence of these novel DH lines suggests their potential contribution to future breeding programs aimed at producing superior-quality hybrids.

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