UENF 506 16: A new maize cultivar alternative for the state of Rio de Janeiro Messias Gonzaga Pereira, Vivane Mirian Lanhellas Gonçalves, Jocarla...
Read moreARTICLE – Alterations in heterosis of maize populations derived from single-cross hybrids after reciprocal recurrent selection
Alterations in heterosis of maize populations derived from single-cross hybrids after reciprocal recurrent selection Francislei Vitti Raposo...
Read moreCULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘UENF 506-11’: a new maize cultivar for the North and Northwest of Rio de Janeiro State
‘UENF 506-11’: a new maize cultivar for the North and Northwest of Rio de Janeiro State Messias Gonzaga Pereira, Ana Paula Candido Gabriel...
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