CBAB 25(4) 2025
CBAB 25(3) 2025
CBAB 25(2) 2025
CBAB 25(1) 2025
- ARTICLE – Intrapopulation recurrent selection targeting early flowering and grain yield in upland rice
- ARTICLE – Conventional breeding and industrial profile of a special Papaver somniferum L. cultivar for dual use
- ARTICLE – Photoperiod and ambient temperature control flowering time of cultivated oat genotypes
- ARTICLE – Selection of BGRR® herbaceous cotton lines for the Brazilian semi-arid region
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of leaf anthracnose resistance in tropical maize germplasm
- ARTICLE – Comparative assessment of LiDAR and conventional methods in evaluating genetic parameters of eucalypt progeny trials
- ARTICLE – Potential of intervarietal maize hybrids from a reciprocal recurrent selection program
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF 506 16: A new maize cultivar alternative for the state of Rio de Janeiro
- SOFTWARE RELEASE – Defining the target population of environments (TPE) for enviromics studies using R-based GIS tools
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS 427 OL’: a high-yield, large-seeded runner-type peanut cultivar with high oleic acid content
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Unemat Esmeralda: A new fusariosis-resistant spineless pineapple cultivar
CBAB 24(4) 2024
- ARTICLE – The 34-bp deletion effectively differentiates the monoecious phenotype in cucumber
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Magnus grano: Maximum quality in bean size of conilon coffee
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR Alvorada – Dwarf Arabica coffee cultivar with high yield
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 700FL B3RF: an outstanding fiber quality upland cotton cultivar with high seed cotton yield
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB036152 – New sugarcane cultivar for restrictive environments
- ARTICLE – Genetic base and origin of cytoplasmic genes of Brazilian cowpea cultivars
- ARTICLE – Assessing DNA sequence variation in Megathyrsus maximus: an exploratory survey for use in breeding programs
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR Pérola – Dwarf Arabica coffee cultivar with high resistance to leaf rust and large beans
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS127 CL: Rice cultivar resistant to herbicides of imidazolinone chemical group
- ARTICLE – New and efficient AS-PCR molecular marker for selection of coffee resistant to coffee leaf rust
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and correlations of forage yield and nutritional quality in ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis) half-sib families
- ARTICLE – Investigating the resistance of common bean germplasm to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and its implications for breeding
- NOTE – Lack of antibiosis against Mahanarva spectabilis (Distant) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) in Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach.) Morrone germplasm
- ARTICLE – De novo transcriptome assembly and development of EST-SSR derived functional domain markers for Pandanus amaryllifolius
- ARTICLE – Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Camellia tienii (Theaceae) and its relatives
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – NDLA 3116-3 and NDLA 3104-4: new high yielding cultivars of Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.)
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of soybean for grain yield in shaded environments
- ARTICLE – Selection of superior and stable fodder maize hybrids using MGIDI and MTSI indices
- ARTICLE – Stable clone selection for oil and herb yield using GGE biplot model in climate-smart lemongrass
CBAB 24(3) 2024
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis and gene mapping of the purple glume tip trait in rice (Oryza sativa)
- ARTICLE – Applications of linear mixed models in Cynodon spp. breeding
- ARTICLE – Molecular diversity, population structure analysis, and assessment of parent hybrid relationships in fodder maize
- ARTICLE – Identification of promising true sugarcane seed families to explore the possibility of direct commercial cultivation
- ARTICLE – Rapid generation advancement through speed breeding in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)
- ARTICLE – Selection methods to optimize the gain and genetic diversity in Pinus caribaea var. caribaea
- ARTICLE – Genetic improvement of Chakhao rice by gene stacking of high-yielding and durable blast-resistant traits
- ARTICLE – Genetic variation, agronomic potential, and acylsugar content in Santa Cruz dwarf tomato after backcrossings
- NOTE – A pseudo-colony PCR method for rapid identification of transgenic sugarcane lines at in vitro stage
- ARTICLE – CertiBase: a genetic database for cultivar certification and genetic breeding of pecan in Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Sarau’: A new late-ripening table peach cultivar with a wide climatic adaptation
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS A504 CL: a new herbicide resistant upland cultivar with high quality grain
CBAB 24(2) 2024
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Modeling spatial trends and selecting tropical wheat genotypes in multi-environment trials
- ARTICLE – Flooding tolerance of sugarcane genotypes under recurring floods in plant and ratoon crops
- ARTICLE – Development and characterization of elite doubled haploid lines of ornamental kale
- ARTICLE – Exploration of allelic diversity reveals a novel FAD2 (Oleate desaturase) gene in Brassica juncea
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Boitatá and BRS Ocauçu: cassava cultivars for the industry
- ARTICLE – Optimization of the assessment of anthracnose severity in artificially inoculated common beans
- ARTICLE – Chemical composition and antiprotozoal potential of essential oil from half-sib progenies of Varronia curassavica Jacq.
- NOTE – First Latin American off-patent corn event – Fenaltec 22
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and selection for multiple traits in sorghum for forage purposes
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and selection index in intraspecific cotton lines in a Brazilian semi-arid region
- ARTICLE – Analysis of allelic variation of TaNCED1-5B and functional marker development for drought resistance in wheat
- ARTICLE – A new set of quantitative trait loci linked to lipid content in Coffea arabica
CBAB 24(1) 2024
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Microsatellite markers in maize: challenges and guidelines for implementing multiplex SSR analyses
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UNEMAT Pedro and UNEMAT Malagueta Pantaneira: New pepper cultivars with increased resistance to anthracnose
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of yield component traits in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]
- ARTICLE – Early haploid identification by stomatal guard cell length in tropical supersweet corn using different inducers
- ARTICLE – Identification of RILs for agronomic and grain quality traits in rice through intraspecific crosses
- ARTICLE – Genetics of qualitative and quantitative traits in crosses involving cherry and purple tomato genotypes
- ARTICLE – Genotype by environment interaction and stability analyses of durum wheat elite lines evaluated in Ethiopia
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Deep purple – an open-pollinated variety to induce haploids in tropical maize
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of quantitative and qualitative traits of Calycophyllum spruceanum in the Peruvian Amazon
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Hanyou 3015: a water-saving and drought- resistance rice cultivar for dry cultivation in southern China
- ARTICLE – Quantitative genetic characterization of an in vivo germplasm collection of Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne
- ARTICLE – Cytogenetic and morphological characterization of lima bean germplasm from the Brazilian Northeast region with a focus on genetic resource conservation
- ARTICLE – Agbiogeneric soybean with glyphosate tolerance: Genetic transformation of new Colombian varieties
CBAB 23(4) 2023
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Non-destructive estimation of anthocyanin content in yardlong bean based on tristimulus values and reflectance spectra
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 438: Sugary cassava cultivar for diversification of the use of storage roots
- ARTICLE – Pedigree testing for the SCS425 Luiza apple cultivar
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameter estimation for Ilex paraguariensis St. Hill. in Argentina using spatial analysis
- ARTICLE – Hybridization between progenies and agronomic characterization of the F2 generation in quinoa
- ARTICLE – Combined BLUP selection indexes with parents and F2 populations in soybean (Glycine max) breeding
- ARTICLE – Inbreeding and founder cultivars contributions in low chill requirement peaches and nectarines
- ARTICLE – Using of relatedness and heritability in a Eucalyptus benthamii trial for conservation and breeding
- ARTICLE – Use of machine learning models-based image analysis for classification of haploid and diploid maize
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and yield stability of cowpea genotypes in Mato Grosso do Sul
- ARTICLE – ISSR and SRAP for assessing genetic variability of Indonesian local rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.)
- ARTICLE – Inheritance and expression analyses of cry1Ab gene in transgenic pigeonpea tolerant to Maruca pod borer
- ARTICLE – Assisted selection using molecular markers linked to rust resistance SH3 gene in Coffea arabica
- ARTICLE – Population structure and diversity of Southeast Asian rice varieties
- ARTICLE – Viability of the use of inbred progenies in recurrent selection in perennial plants
CBAB 23(3) 2023
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – New approaches using selection index in sweet potato breeding for biofortification
- ARTICLE – Selection of superior black oat lines using the MGIDI index
- ARTICLE – UENF N01, UENF N02 and UENF N03: popcorn cultivars with elevated nitrogen-use effectiveness
- ARTICLE – Bayesian segmented regression model to evaluate the adaptability and stability of maize in Northeastern Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCSBRS126 Dueto: irrigated rice variety resilient to cold and heat at reproductive stage
- ARTICLE – Performance of potential parents for a rainfed tropical wheat breeding program
- ARTICLE – New homologues of the Rpi-chc1 gene in wild and cultivated Solanum species
- ARTICLE – Preponderant alleles at Hd1 and Ehd1 lead to photoperiod insensitivity in japonica rice varieties
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Herculândia – a Coffea canephora rootstock multiresistant to Meloidogyne species
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC VR211 and IAC VM211: new high-yielding cultivars of mung bean and black mung bean
- ARTICLE – Row-col method associated with frequentist and Bayesian statistics in a passion fruit population
- ARTICLE – Sex determination of papaya var. ‘Maradol’ reveals hermaphrodite-to-male sex reversal under greenhouse conditions
CBAB 23(2) 2023
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction in the iron and zinc biofortification of common bean grains
- ARTICLE – Genealogy and genetic base of Brazilian cotton cultivars
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of black bean genotypes for Rio de Janeiro, by GGE biplot analysis
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CISJU21 – New flax cultivar with yield and phenotypic stability
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS A705: an early-cycle, lodging-resistant irrigated rice cultivar with high yield
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Germplasm the key factor for development of oat cultivars URS OLADA And URS POENTE
- ARTICLE – Selective genotyping for discovery of QTL controlling flowering time in dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.)
- ARTICLE – Ethanol from maize hybrids in Brazil
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of agronomic efficiency of nitrogen use in maize
- ARTICLE – Evidence of maternal effect on the inheritance of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed coat color
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters considering traits of importance for cassava biofortification
CBAB 23(1) 2023
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Genome-wide association study revealed genetic loci for resistance to fusarium wilt in tomato germplasm
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS453 Noninha and SCS454 Carvoeira – new banana cultivars of the Prata subgroup
- ARTICLE – Estimation of mean performance and heterosis in cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) based hybrids in cabbage
- ARTICLE – Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of Parkia platycephala families: a proposal for preselection
- ARTICLE – Selection of F1 genotypes of pineapple and reaction to inoculation with a Fusarium guttiforme isolate
- ARTICLE – Assessment of the cytogenetics and leaf anatomy of synthetic polyploids of Eucalyptus clones
- ARTICLE – Stacking effective ASR and APR rust genes for multiple disease resistance in bread wheat cultivars
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF P01, UENF P02 and UENF P03: popcorn hybrids with high phosphorus use efficiency
- ARTICLE – Genetic gain in Passiflora seed traits from recurrent selection among full-sib families
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Progresso and BRS Rendeira – new cassava cultivars with tolerance to post-harvest deterioration
- ARTICLE – A new Bayesian approach to the Toler model for evaluating the adaptability and stability of genotypes
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity of Rhododendron henanense subsp. lingbaoense revealed by whole-genome resequencing
CBAB 22(4) 2022
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Variation in palm tree plastidial simple sequence repeats, characterization, and potential use
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt in the carioca grain type common bean
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 429: sweet cassava with yellow pulp and high technological and sensory qualities
- NOTE – Development of microsatellite panels for molecular fingerprinting of Napier grass (Cenchrus purpureus) cultivars
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS TR271 – a high grain yield and super-early wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UFSMFW 2202 – Early black oat cultivar for ground cover
- ARTICLE – Pyramiding of resistance alleles to grape powdery mildew assisted by molecular markers
- ARTICLE – Screening of tomato hybrids for resistance to Fusarium wilt
- ARTICLE – Comparison between doubled haploid lines and lines obtained via the bulk method in tobacco
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity of sweet corn inbred lines of public sectors in Thailand revealed by SSR markers
- ARTICLE – Molecular marker-assisted selection for seedlessness in atemoya breeding
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘KU Gold’: a new yellow-fruit papaya cultivar in Thailand
- ARTICLE – Progeny evaluation and early selection for plant height in Acacia mearnsii improve genetic gains
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UFSMFW 2101 – very early black oat cultivar with high yield potential
- ARTICLE – Sequence analysis of the arcelin-phytohaemagglutinin-α-amylase inhibitor (APA) locus in three phylogenetically arrayed Phaseolus vulgaris clones
CBAB 22(3) 2022
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Analysis of the genetic structure and diversity of a Brazilian macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia) germplasm
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘IAC SEMPRE VERDE’: a wild-derived peanut cultivar highly resistant to foliar diseases
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Pampa CL: a new IMI herbicide-resistant premium quality grain irrigated rice cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS A502: an upland rice cultivar for intensive sustainable cropping systems in the Brazilian Cerrado
- ARTICLE – Agroindustrial performance and heterosis in sweet sorghum using male-sterile lines with high stem sugar content
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – MGS Guaiçara and MGS Vereda: Coffea arabica cultivars resistant to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne paranaensis
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Imidazolinone resistance, yield potential and agronomic performance of the irrigated rice cultivar BRS A706 CL
- ARTICLE – Statistical significance, selection accuracy, and experimental precision in plant breeding
- ARTICLE – Association mapping for common bacterial blight in carioca beans
- ARTICLE – Bayesian methods for genomic association of chromosomic regions considering the additive–dominance model
- ARTICLE – Selection of maize lines and prediction of hybrid and synthetic means using intergroup topcrosses
- ARTICLE – Cacao parents help their offsprings to fight witches’ broom and black pod rot infections
CBAB 22(2) 2022
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Caninde2/Milan: promising wheat line to discover novel genes for resistance to wheat blast
- ARTICLE – Classifying coefficients of genetic variation and heritability for Eucalyptus spp.
- ARTICLE – Exploitation of heterosis in tobacco breeding in Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 420: Early maturity cassava cultivar for production of flour and starch, adapted to no-till planting and mechanization
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – NDLH 2051-1: a high-yield, sucking pest-tolerant cultivar of cotton
- ARTICLE – Are stomatal area and stomatal density reliable traits for identification of doubled haploids in maize?
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Camaleão: new mungbean cultivar with large, shiny, green seeds
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity and structure of Hancornia speciosa Gomes populations characterized by microsatellites markers
- ARTICLE – QTL mapping for Type II resistance to Fusarium head blight and spike architecture traits in bread wheat
- ARTICLE – Influence of ethylene glycol on Eucalyptus grandis cryopreservation using the V cryo-plate technique
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Caviano: black bean cultivar with large root system and wide adaptability
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of indirect selection for green biomass production of Urochloa ruziziensis
- ARTICLE – Predicted genetic gains for growth traits and wood resistance in Pinus maximinoi and Pinus tecunumanii
CBAB 22(1) 2022
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Initiation of breeding programs for three species of Corymbia: Introduction and provenances study
- ARTICLE – Role of sweet potato GST genes in abiotic stress tolerance revealed by genomic and transcriptomic analyses
- ARTICLE – Karyotype polymorphism of GC-rich constitutive heterochromatin in Capsicum L. pepper accessions
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Deni – Super-sweet corn open-pollinated variety
- ARTICLE – Identification of sources of resistance to race 63-63 of Pseudocercospora griseola in common bean lines
- ARTICLE – A simple and inexpensive procedure to more quickly obtain new varieties in soybean
- ARTICLE – Causal variant loci and protein-coding genes for soybean bacterial pustule resistance in the flowering stage
- ARTICLE – Improvement of vegetable soybean: genetic diversity and correlations of traits between immature and mature plants
- ARTICLE – Analysis of heterosis components and prediction of hybrid means based on intergroup topcrosses in maize
- ARTICLE – Pyramiding disease resistance in tomato by duplex PCR targeting resistance genes and exploiting gene linkage
CBAB 21 (S) Special Edition
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Genomics of grain quality in cereals
- ARTICLE – Technical nuances of machine learning: implementation and validation of supervised methods for genomic prediction in plant breeding
- ARTICLE – Plant breeding in Brazil: Retrospective of the past 50 years
- ARTICLE – Germplasm enhancement and cultivar development: The need for sustainable breeding
- ARTICLE – Biometry in plant breeding
- ARTICLE – The use of high-throughput phenotyping in genomic selection context
- ARTICLE – Recurrent selection in papaya: An effective strategy for the continuous development of new cultivars
- ARTICLE – Contribution of breeding to agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon. I. Açaí palm and oil palm
- ARTICLE – Rice blast: strategies and challenges for improving genetic resistance
- ARTICLE – The numbers game of soybean breeding in the United States
- ARTICLE – Spray-induced gene silencing: an innovative strategy for plant trait improvement and disease control
- ARTICLE – Enviromics: bridging different sources of data, building one framework
- ARTICLE – Next generation breeding in pulses: Present status and future directions
- ARTICLE – Genomic selection with rapid cycling: Current insights and future prospects
- ARTICLE – Implementation of genomic selection in public-sector plant breeding programs: Current status and opportunities
- ARTICLE – How to write and publish articles in plant breeding: What do we need to know?
CBAB 21(4) 2021
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Obtaining okra hybrids through partial diallel analysis
- ARTICLE – In vitro pollination and fluorescence microscopy for characterization of gametophytic selfincompatibility of Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner
- ARTICLE – Mixed model-based Jinks and Pooni method to predict segregating populations in wheat breeding
- SOFTWARE RELEASE – ConservaGen software: A useful tool for genetic conservation of germplasm
- ARTICLE – Identification of haploids and diploids in maize using seedling traits and flow cytometry
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Solar: a new sour passion fruit cultivar for the state of Mato Grosso
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC 2153 and IAC 2156: cranberry and dark red kidney common bean cultivars for new markets
- ARTICLE – Microsporogenesis associated with seed yield in Urochloa sexual polyploid hybrids
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability and recurrent selection in corn population with potential for green corn production
- ARTICLE – Strategies for multi-trait selection of sweet sorghum progenies
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF WS01: popcorn hybrid with water use efficiency for the State of Rio de Janeiro
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS FS311: common bean cultivar with striped seed coat, high yield, and commercial quality
CBAB 21(3) 2021
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Callus induction and pro-embryogenic mass formation in Myrciaria dubia, an important medicinal and nutritional plant
- ARTICLE – Potential of dry matter yield from alfalfa germplasm in composing base populations
- ARTICLE – Identification of transgene flanking sequences in a pre-market safety assessed sugarcane in Argentina
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS125: new paddy rice cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Sarandi: a new Andropogon gayanus cultivar for tropical pastures
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘Đ9’, a high-yielding and early maturing soybean cultivar resistant to soybean rust isolates from Vietnam
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and path analysis for root yield of cassava under drought and early harvest
- ARTICLE – Pollen morphological analysis of papaya (Carica papaya L.)
- ARTICLE – Genomic affinity in hybrids of B-genome Arachis species: new genetic resources toward peanut improvement
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Tainá: new white seedless grape cultivar for the Brazilian semi-arid region
CBAB 21(2) 2021
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Identification of brown rust resistance in the field and detection of the Bru1 gene in sugarcane varieties
- ARTICLE – Selection of maize hybrids: an approach with multi-trait, multi-environment, and ideotype-design
- ARTICLE – Characterization and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora accessions in a germplasm bank in Espírito Santo, Brazil
- ARTICLE – The research, development, and innovation trajectory of the IAC Common Bean Breeding Program
- ARTICLE – Heritability and combined parental information to define the number of crosses in circulant diallels
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB961552 – Highly productive sugarcane cultivar with fast inter-row closure
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 500 B2RF: transgenic cotton cultivar expressing Cry1Ac, Cry2Ab, and CP4-EPSPS with multiple disease resistance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC 2051: common bean cultivar of carioca type with slow seed coat darkening
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC 201CS and IAC 201CO: Crotalaria cultivars with high fresh matter yield and seed production
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – NIA-Shaheen (CIM-04-10): A high-yielding, drought-tolerant wheat variety
CBAB 21(1) 2021
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Clonal selection in S0 and S1 peach trees evaluated in a subtropical environment
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of leaf spinescence in BRS Imperial, Pérola, and Pico de Rosa pineapple cultivars
- ARTICLE – QTL mapping of spike fertility index in bread wheat
- ARTICLE – MeMYB26, a drought-responsive transcription factor in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
- ARTICLE – MicroRNAs regulate tolerance mechanisms in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) under aluminum stress
- ARTICLE – Breeding for PVY resistance in tobacco LJ911 using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
- ARTICLE – Sequencing and gene expression studies for Al tolerance in contrasting genotypes of tropical maize
- ARTICLE – Stability of potato clones resistant to potato virus Y under subtropical conditions
- ARTICLE – Constitutive expression of a synthetic cry1Ab gene confers resistance to potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller) larva
- ARTICLE – SNP genotyping for fast and consistent clustering of maize inbred lines into heterotic groups
- ARTICLE – Environmental stratification and genotype recommendation toward the soybean ideotype: a Bayesian approach
- ARTICLE – Phylogenetic inference applied to germplasm bank characterization and interspecific breeding in passionfruit
- NOTE – Evaluation of families derived from backcrosses of processed tomato with dwarfism gene
CBAB 20(4) 2020
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Self-incompatibility alleles in important genotypes for apple breeding in Brazil
- ARTICLE – Dynamics, diversity and experimental precision in final irrigated rice testing: a time metaanalysis
- ARTICLE – Selection between and within half-sibling progenies of Ilex paraguariensis for adventitious rooting of mini-cuttings
- ARTICLE – Genetics of the fuzzless ovule phenotype of Gossypium arboreum accession PI 615733 (cv. Zi-Hua Guang Zi)
- ARTICLE – Phenological characteristics and yield potential of some late-ripening peach hybrids
- ARTICLE – Genetic and phenotypic parameters associated with soybean progenies in a recurrent selection program
- ARTICLE – Exact inbreeding coefficient of maize synthetic varieties derived from mixed lines and single crosses
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity and population structure of Euterpe edulis by REML/BLUP analysis of fruit morphology and microsatellite markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of traits related to maturity in cowpea
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of wood quality of Myracrodruon urundeuva populations under anthropogenic disturbance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS FS307’ high-yielding common bean cultivar with mulatto grain for Northeastern Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IMA 5801B2RF, insect-resistant and glyphosatetolerant cotton cultivar, with resistance to rootknot nematode
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Careca, BRS Fartura, BRS Duquesa, BRS Curinga, and BRS Golias: new cupuassu tree cultivars
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UTF 25 – Early bread wheat cultivar with white flour
CBAB 20(3) 2020
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Choosing parent tropical wheat genotypes through genetic dissimilarity based on REML/ BLUP
- ARTICLE – Predictive approach to optimize the number of visual graders for indirect selection of highyielding Urochloa ruziziensis genotypes
- ARTICLE – Morphological and cytogenetic characterization of new ornamental Passiflora hybrids (P. ‘Vivis’ and P. ‘Jhovi’)
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and gain from selection in sweet potato genotypes with high betacarotene content
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of genetic parameters and clonal selection of Eucalyptus in the Cerrado region
- NOTE – Assessment of resistance in common bean to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli using different inoculation and evaluation methods
- SOFTWARE RELEASE – SPEED Stat: a free, intuitive, and minimalist spreadsheet program for statistical analyses of experiments
- SOFTWARE RELEASE – RunData: an easy and intuitive online tool for statistical analyses
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – DBW222 (Karan Narendra): A new high-yielding, lodging-tolerant wheat variety for North Western plains of India
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Cultivar BRS 433FL B2RF: upland cotton with high-quality fiber, insect resistance and glyphosate tolerance for the Brazilian Savanna
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC 1849 Polaco: carioca common bean cultivar with an early maturity and tolerance to seed darkening
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Nuance and IAC Tigre: common bean cultivars for special markets
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Veloz: a new early-cycle black bean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Netuno: A new black bean cultivar resistant to anthracnose and Fusarium wilt
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF MSV2210 and UENF MS2208: Silage and green maize hybrids for Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Identification of a novel germplasm (Jor Lab L-9) of lemon grass (Cymbopogon khasianus) rich in methyl eugenol
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 106: new Arabica coffee cultivar, resistant to some Meloidogyne paranaensis and M. incognita nematode populations of Paraná
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Amazonian Robustas – new Coffea canephora coffee cultivars for the Western Brazilian Amazon
CBAB 20(2) 2020
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – A century of wheat breeding in Brazil: the origin and inheritance of the Lr34 locus in wheat varieties released from 1922 to 2016
- ARTICLE – Is the genetic variability of elite rice in southern Brazil really disappearing?
- ARTICLE – QTL mapping for microtuber ABA content in a diploid potato population
- ARTICLE – Using additive indices and principal components to select sexual genitors and hybrids of Urochloa decumbens
- ARTICLE – Reduced inbreeding depression in separate generations of onions
- ARTICLE – A half century of a bean breeding program in the South and Alto Paranaíba regions of Minas Gerais
- ARTICLE – Auxin independent1 (Axi1) as an endogenous gene for copy number determination in transgenic tobacco
- ARTICLE – Effect of selection response for yield related traits in early and later generations of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
- ARTICLE – Breeding strategies for tropical maize targeting in vivo haploid inducers
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and yield stability of soybean genotypes by REML/BLUP and GGE Biplot
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of peach yield of cultivar BRS Libra grafted on different rootstocks in the subtropics
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – URS MONARCA – a new hexaploid oat cultivar with excellent grain yield and wide adaptation
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB985476 – a sugarcane cultivar with high agroindustrial yield and disease resistance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB036091 – an early-maturing sugarcane cultivar for the Central South of Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Novo Horizonte – a new cassava variety for industrial use
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Tributun: a coffee cultivar developed in partnership with farmers
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS A501 CL: herbicide-tolerant upland rice cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – New cassava cultivars for starch and flour production in the Cerrado of Central Brazil
CBAB 20(1) 2020
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Genome-wide association study on agronomic traits of temperate japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- ARTICLE – Prediction of grain yield, adaptability, and stability in landrace varieties of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.)
- ARTICLE – Reproductive analyses of intraspecific Paspalum notatum Flügge hybrids
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and selection of sugarcane for borer resistance in the advanced selection stage
- ARTICLE – Guava breeding via full-sib family selection: conducting selection cycle and divergence between parents and families
- ARTICLE – Response of common bean progenies for water use efficiency
- ARTICLE – Grain yield, anthesis-silking interval and drought tolerance indices of tropical maize hybrids
- ARTICLE – Microsatellite DNA fingerprinting of Coffea sp. germplasm conserved in Costa Rica through singleplex and multiplex PCR
- ARTICLE – Analysis of genotype × environment interaction for seed yield in spring oilseed rape using the AMMI model
- NOTE – Genetic determination of characteristics related to semi-mechanized coffee harvests
- SOFTWARE RELEASE – ‘Gametes Simulator’: a multilocus genotype simulator to analyze genetic structure in outbreeding diploid species
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS 421’ and ‘BRS 423’: high oleic peanut cultivars for production in Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS124 Sardo: Brazilian rice cultivar with excellent milling quality
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 372 and BRS 416: high-yielding cotton cultivars with multiple disease resistance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Jaspe: a processing peach cultivar for low chill areas
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Cainguá’, a blackberry fresh-market cultivar
CBAB 19(4) 2019
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Yield, maturation cycle, and estimates of genetic parameters of Robusta coffee genotypes under irrigation in the Cerrado
- ARTICLE – Stability analysis of pure lines and a multiline of soybean in different locations
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction, adaptability and stability of Piel de Sapo melon hybrids through mixed models
- ARTICLE – Selection of high-yielding, adapted and stable wheat lines in preliminary trials
- ARTICLE – Field performance of hermaphrodite papaya plants obtained through molecular selection and micropropagation
- ARTICLE – Sensory quality of Coffea arabica L. genotypes influenced by postharvest processing
- ARTICLE – Phenotypic variation and heritability of heading date in hexaploid oat
- NOTE – Anatomical and histochemical studies of the somatic embryogenesis of Syagrus oleracea from immature inflorescences
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CS58: new high yielding, salt and alkaline tolerant cultivar of Indian mustard
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR CELEIRO: Common bean cultivar moderately resistant to bean golden mosaic virus
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Alterosa: Rice cultivar for lowland cultivation in Minas Gerais
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB0442 – drought tolerant sugarcane cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS FC104 – Super-early carioca seeded common bean cultivar with high yield potential
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Andina – first clonal cultivar of high-altitude conilon coffee
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS426 Venice: new apple cultivar with glomerella leaf spot resistance and picking time in March
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Selection parameters of a new coerulea multiflora hybrid: Cattlianthe auroras blue pride
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – NABIO808 (Syn. NAROBAN5): A tasty cooking banana cultivar with resistance to pests and diseases
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 901 and BRS 902: red rice cultivars bred for Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 400 and BRS 401, sweet cassava cultivars with pink roots developed by participatory breeding
CBAB 19 (3) 2019
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Selection of common cashew tree genotypes in commercial growing areas in municipalities of Piauí, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Heritability of morpho-agronomic traits in ornamental pepper
- ARTICLE – The morphological study and gene expression analysis in citrus hybrid with a short juvenile period
- ARTICLE – Selection of conilon coffee clones tolerant to pests and diseases in Minas Gerais
- ARTICLE – Pure line selection in a heterogeneous soybean cultivar
- ARTICLE – Genotyping and molecular analysis of transgenic sequences in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum X morifolium Ramat)
- ARTICLE – Evaluating early selection in perennial tropical forages
- ARTICLE – Changes in leaf appearance and developmental phases associated with breeding progress in six-rowed barley in the Pannonian Plain
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction analysis of multi-environment wheat trials in India using AMMI and GGE biplot models
- ARTICLE – Genetic progress of the peach breeding program of Embrapa over 16 years
- ARTICLE – Assessing genetic diversity and population structure in a Dipteryx alata germplasm collection utilizing microsatellite markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability revealed by microsatellite markers in a germplasm collection of Jatropha curcas L. in Brazil: an important plant for biofuels
- PLANT BREEDING PROGRAM – A brief history of the forty-five years of the Epagri apple breeding program in Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Catuaí SH3 – a dwarf Arabica coffee cultivar with leaf rust resistance and drought tolerance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – INT7100 IPRO – A soybean cultivar for an extensive growing area in the South and Cerrado in Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Primary hybrid of cattleya forbesii x cattleya loddigesii, a new brazilian orchid
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Catiana: irrigated rice cultivar with high yield potential and wide adaptation
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 425: the first runner peanut cultivar related to wild ancestral species
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC 1850: High yielding carioca common bean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Anauê and BRS Boyrá: the first cultivars of ornamental pineapple developed in Brazil
CBAB 19 (2) 2019
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability and breeding potential of Flintisa Composite of maize in two levels of technology
- ARTICLE – Molecular diversity in a germplasm collection of avocado accessions from the tropical and subtropical regions of China
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of leaf color in papaya
- ARTICLE – Comparison of in vitro callus-cultures from transgenic maize AG-5011YG (MON810) and conventional near-isogenic maize AG-5011
- ARTICLE – Intra-and intergenotypic competition among commercial eucalyptus clones
- ARTICLE – Selection of upland cotton for the Brazilian semi-arid region under supplementary irrigation
- ARTICLE – How to shorten a plant breeding program? A case study with ornamental peppers
- ARTICLE – Control of plant height by 24 alleles at 12 quantitative trait loci in rice
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and selection of sugarcane in early selection stages for resistance to sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis
- REVIEW – Improved drought tolerance in wheat is required to unlock the production potential of the Brazilian Cerrado
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘UC14’: a new papaya cultivar with intermediate fruit size
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB005014 – a sugarcane cultivar with high tillering and agroindustrial yield
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF SD 08 and UENF SD 09: Super-sweet corn hybrids for Northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS FP403: high-yielding black-seeded common bean cultivar with superior grain quality and moderate resistance to fusarium wilt
CBAB 19 (1) 2019
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Effective population size and genetic gain expected in a population of Coffea canephora
- ARTICLE – Agronomic evaluation of a Hancornia speciosa Gomes germplasm collection from the Brazilian Cerrado
- ARTICLE – Assessment of genetic variation of 15 Thai elite rice cultivars using InDel markers
- ARTICLE – A new partial diallel model adapted to analyze reciprocal effects in grain yield of maize
- ARTICLE – SNP markers associated with soybean partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae
- ARTICLE – Analysis of Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination in testcrosses of a maize biparental population
- ARTICLE – Selection of Eucalyptus grandis families across contrasting environmental conditions
- ARTICLE – Development of a mulberry core collection originated in China to enhance germplasm conservation
- ARTICLE – Effect of a mutation in Raffinose Synthase 2 (GmRS2) on soybean quality traits
- ARTICLE – Bayesian network: a simplified approach for environmental similarity studies on maize
- ARTICLE – Chemical root traits differentiate ‘bitter’ and ‘sweet’ cassava accessions from the Amazon
- ARTICLE – Mapping of QTL for aluminum tolerance in tropical maize
- ARTICLE – Recurrent selection in common bean aiming at resistance to white mold in a greenhouse
- ARTICLE – Development and validation of SNP assays for the selection of resistance to Meloidogyne incognita in soybean
- ARTICLE – Visualized protein polymorphisms in leaf sheaths and roots of rice assessed by 2-DE analysis
- ARTICLE – Cytogenetic characterization of Angelonia integerrima Sprengel, a native species with ornamental potential
- NOTE – Mating system analysis of Açaí-do-Amazonas (Euterpe precatoria Mart.) using molecular markers
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UC10: a new early Formosa papaya cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Gala Fult: The first Uruguayan apple cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘UENF 506-11’: a new maize cultivar for the North and Northwest of Rio de Janeiro State
CBAB 18 (4) 2018
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Yellow passion fruit reaction to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae and to Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of papaya hybrids affected by production seasonality
- ARTICLE – General and specific combining ability in sweet sorghum
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of root distribution in common bean and selection strategy
- ARTICLE – Diallel mixed-model analyses to select superior maize parental lines for Azospirillum brasilense and nitrogen-use efficiency
- ARTICLE – Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for agronomical traits in soybean under Asian soybean rust infection
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability of Brazilian wheat germplasm obtained by high-density SNP genotyping
- ARTICLE – Selection of legitimate dwarf coconut hybrid seedlings using DNA fingerprinting
- ARTICLE – Selection for hypocotyl diameter results in genetic gain in common bean plant architecture
- NOTE – Genetic diversity trends in sugarcane germplasm: Analysis in the germplasm bank of the RB varieties
- NOTE – New wild diploids in Paspalum notatum Flügge (Poaceae): potential accessions for use in breeding
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘UENF Rioparaíba’: a new common bean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Sublime – Common bean cultivar with carioca grain, resistance to angular leaf spot and high nutritional quality
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS A702 CL: new early-maturing irrigated rice cultivar with herbicide tolerance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Sweet cassava cultivars with yellow or cream root pulp developed by participatory breeding
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IRGA 431 CL, new rice variety for red rice management in Southern Brazil
- PLANT BREEDING PROGRAM – Alcides Carvalho and the selection of Catuaí cultivar: interpreting the past and drawing lessons for the future
CBAB 18 (3) 2018
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Association of candidate genes for fatty acid content in soybean by temperature-switch PCR (TSP) genotyping
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of harvest index in common bean
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and selection of macaw palm (Acrocomia aculeata) accessions: an alternative crop for biofuels
- ARTICLE – Potential of soybean crosses in early inbreeding generations for grain yield
- ARTICLE – Combining ability as a strategy for selecting common bean parents and populations resistant to white mold
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and predicted gains with selection of interspecific hybrids of Paspalum for seed production
- ARTICLE – Diversity between Jatropha curcas L. accessions based on oil traits and X-ray digital images analysis from it seeds
- REVIEW – Directives and requirements for genetically modified (GM) crop regulation in Argentina
- NOTE – SSR-based genetic analysis of sweet corn inbred lines using artificial neural networks
- NOTE – Research priorities for next-generation breeding of tropical forages in Brazil
- NOTE – Estimation of genetic parameters and selection for rooting capacity in peach
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB036066 – a sugarcane cultivar with high adaptability and yield stability to Brazilian South-Central region
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Obatã 4739 – dwarf arabic coffee cultivar with yellow fruits and resistant to leaf rust
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – 334 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology – 18: 334-337, 2018 FA Franco et al. CD 1705 – healthy and high-yielding wheat cultivar for biscuit manufacturing
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Sintonia: new carioca common bean cultivar
- SOFTWARE RELEASE – IPRDataCol – software for field labelling and data storage
CBAB 18 (2) 2018
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – In vitro multiplication of Eucalyptus hybrid via temporary immersion bioreactor: culture media and cytokinin effects
- ARTICLE – Repeatability of some phenotypic stability parameters – a resampling approach
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of corn inbred lines regarding resistance to gray leaf spot and northern leaf blight
- ARTICLE – Sequence-related amplified polymorphisms (SRAPs) reveal genetic diversity and variation regions in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in China
- ARTICLE – Heterochromatin distribution and histone modification patterns of H4K5 acetylation and H3S10 phosphorylation in Capsicum L.
- ARTICLE – Rbc2, a new dominant gene for resistance of soybean to Cowpea mild mottle virus: Inheritance and mapping
- ARTICLE – In vitro induction and regeneration of tetraploids and mixoploids of two cassava cultivars
- ARTICLE – HRM-facilitated rapid identification and genotyping of mutations induced by CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis in rice
- ARTICLE – Genetic evaluation and selection in Jatropha curcas L.
- NOTE – Artificial neural networks classify cotton genotypes for fiber length
- NOTE – Chemical diversity of essential oils from native populations of Eplingiella fruticosa
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – A915.34.01.08 – melon line resistant to leafminer (Liriomyza sativae)
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 430 B2RF and BRS 432 B2RF: Insectresistant and glyphosate-tolerant high-yielding cotton cultivars
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS A701 CL: a new irrigated rice cultivar adapted to the clearfield® production system
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS 438 Zafira – a new plum cultivar resistant to leaf scald (Xylella fastidiosa)
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Peach cultivar BRS Citrino
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC 125 RN – A dwarf coffee cultivar resistant to leaf rust and root-knot nematode
- SOFTWARE RELEASE – Be-Breeder: an R/Shiny application for phenotypic data analyses in plant breeding
CBAB 18 (1) 2018
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Tomato genotypes with determinate growth and high acylsugar content presenting resistance to spider mite
- ARTICLE – Estimation of genetic parameters for flower anomalies in papaya
- ARTICLE – Haploid identification using tropicalized haploid inducer progenies in maize
- ARTICLE – Diallel analysis in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) for water stress tolerance
- ARTICLE – Diallel analysis and genetic differentiation of tropical and temperate maize inbred lines
- ARTICLE – Performance of transgenic and conventional soybean plants subjected to bioassay for detection of glyphosate tolerant seeds
- ARTICLE – Water deficit increases the frequency of hybrid citrus with polyembryonic female parents
- ARTICLE – Genetic evaluation of Pinus taeda clones from somatic embryogenesis and their genotype x environment interaction
- ARTICLE – Cytogenetic characterization of Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam
- ARTICLE – An integrated model to accelerate the development of seed-propagated varieties of globe artichoke
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium ear rot in popcorn
- ARTICLE – Selection among and within full-sib families of elephant grass for energy purposes
- ARTICLE – Quantity, organization, and distribution of chloroplast microsatellites in all species of Eucalyptus with available plastome sequence
- ARTICLE – A perfect functional marker for the gene of intermediate amylose content Wx-in in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- NOTE – Resistance to bacterial halo blight in Arabica coffee lines derivative from the genotype C1195-5-6-2 under natural infection conditions
- NOTE – New microsatellite loci for annatto (Bixa orellana), a source of natural dyes from Brazilian Amazonia
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 1303 – Short stature, high productive potential and industrial quality
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF 2014: a new common bean cultivar
CBAB 17 (4) 2017
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Artificial neural networks and linear discriminant analysis in early selection among sugarcane families
- ARTICLE – Allele dosage of PVY resistance genes in potato clones using molecular markers
- ARTICLE – A genetic study of traits related to canopy coverage in common bean
- ARTICLE – Unconventional vegetables collected in Brazil: chromosome number and description of nuclear DNA content
- ARTICLE – Selection of energy cane clones
- ARTICLE – Impact of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles on protein and carbohydrate contents in seeds of Pisum sativum L.
- ARTICLE – Grouping of anthurium genotypes based on genetic and morpho-anatomical features
- ARTICLE – Population structure correction for genomic selection through eigenvector covariates
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of organic-grown arabica coffee production using the modified centroid method
- ARTICLE – Phenotypic stability in cassava estimated by the AMMI analysis with supplementary genotypes
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity in Brazilian soybean germplasm
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity in populations of Brazil nut
- ARTICLE – QTL mapping to anthracnose leaf blight resistance in tropical maize
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 368RF: A glyphosate tolerant, midseason upland cotton cultivar for Northeast and North Brazilian cerrado
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 102 – Dwarf Arabica coffee cultivar with resistance to bacterial halo blight
- NOTE – Triple plagiotropic branch in coffee: a new promising mutant?
CBAB 17 (3) 2017
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Micropropagation of Cyrtopodium paludicolum (Orchidaceae) from root tip explants
- ARTICLE – Phenotypic characterization of papaya genotypes to determine powdery mildew resistance
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of different selection indices combining Pilodyn penetration and growth performance in Eucalyptus clones
- ARTICLE – Parents choice and genetic divergence between cambuci fruit tree accessions
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of total flavonoid content and analysis of related EST-SSR in Chinese peanut germplasm
- ARTICLE – Gene transfer utilizing pollen-tubes of Albuca nelsonii and Tulbaghia violacea
- ARTICLE – Oleic acid variation and marker-assisted detection of Pervenets mutation in high- and low-oleic sunflower cross
- ARTICLE – Introgression of the Rladg allele of resistance to potato leafroll virus in Solanum tuberosum L.
- ARTICLE – A multiplex PCR system for detection of wide compatibility allele S5-n and erect panicle allele dep1 in rice
- ARTICLE – Diallel analysis in agronomic traits of Jatropha
- NOTE – Recurrent selection of popcorn composites UEMCO1 and UEM-CO2 based on selection indices
- NOTE – Passiflora cristalina and Passiflora miniata: meiotic characterization of two wild species for use in breeding
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – MS INTA 416: A new Argentinean wheat cultivar carrying Fhb1 and Lr47 resistance genes
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – MG Travessia: a coffee arabica cultivar productive and responsive to pruning
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS122 Miura – New Rice Cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC OL 5 – New high oleic runner peanut cultivar
CBAB 17 (2) 2017
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Combining ability of potato parents for tuber appearance and tuber yield component traits
- ARTICLE – Field and laboratory assessments of sugarcane mutants selected in vitro for resistance to imazapyr herbicide
- ARTICLE – New strategy for evaluating grain cooking quality of progenies in dry bean breeding programs
- ARTICLE – Efficient and new method for Tectona grandis in vitro regeneration
- ARTICLE – Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of a tropical elite maize line
- ARTICLE – Behavior of grape breeding lines with distinct resistance alleles to downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola)
- ARTICLE – An improved method for RNA extraction from common bean seeds and validation of reference genes for qPCR
- NOTE – Meiotic analysis of interspecific hybrids between Capsicum frutescens and Capsicum chinense
- NOTE – Overcoming crossing barriers between jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) and castor bean (Ricinus communis L.)
- NOTE – Genetic gain of ‘Valenciana’ onion populations developed in the Brazilian Semi-Arid region
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 100 – Rustic dwarf Arabica coffee cultivar with resistance to nematodes Meloidogyne paranaensis and M. incognita
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Rubelita: irrigated rice cultivar for lowlands in the state of Minas Gerais
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Cattleya forbesii x Cattleya bowringiana: a new hybrid of Cattleya orchid
- SOFTWARE/DEVICE RELEASE – Rbio: A tool for biometric and statistical analysis using the R platform
CBAB 17 (1) 2017
- Table of contents
- ARTICLE – Adjusting the Scott-Knott cluster analyses for unbalanced designs
- ARTICLE – Morphological and physiological characteristics in vitro anthurium plantlets exposed to silicon
- ARTICLE – Adaptability, stability, and genetic divergence of conilon coffee in Alto Suaçuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Environmental stratification in cotton in the presence or absence of genotypes with high ecovalence
- ARTICLE – Reaction of common bean lines to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens
- NOTE – Be-Breeder – an application for analysis of genomic data in plant breeding
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Kurumi and BRS Capiaçu – New elephant grass cultivars for grazing and cut-and-carry system
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 331 – Early cycle double-haploid wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS FC402: high-yielding common bean cultivar with carioca grain, resistance to anthracnose and fusarium wilt
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS AG: first cultivar of irrigated rice used for alcohol production or animal feed
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Pampeira: new irrigated rice cultivar with high yield potential
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB036088 – a sugarcane cultivar for mechanical planting and harvesting
- SOFTWARE/DEVICE RELEASE – Image – Rice Grain Scanner: a three-dimensional fully automated assessment of grain size and quality traits
CBAB 16 (4) 2016
- ARTICLE – QTL mapping for yield components and agronomic traits in a Brazilian soybean population
- ARTICLE – Identification of heterotic patterns between expired proprietary, NDSU, and industry shortseason maize inbred line
- ARTICLE – Cytoembryological evaluation, meiotic behavior and pollen viability of Paspalum notatum tetraploidized plants
- ARTICLE – Tomato second cycle hybrids as a source of genetic variability for fruit quality traits
- ARTICLE – Selection in energy cane families
- ARTICLE – Tissue culture efficiency of wheat species with different genomic formulas
- ARTICLE – Genetic effects and potential parents in cowpea
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters, adaptability and stability to selection of yellow passion fruit hybrids
- ARTICLE – Software Selegen-REML/BLUP: a useful tool for plant breeding
- NOTE – Selection of cotton genotypes for greater length of fibers
- NOTE – Relationship between fruit traits and contents of ascorbic acid and carotenoids in peach
- NOTE – Development and characterization of microsatellite loci for the Neotropical orchid Trichocentrum pumilum
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR Aimoré – Triticale cultivar of early maturity and wide adaptation
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB975242 and RB975201 – Late maturation sugarcane varieties
CBAB 16 (3) 2016
- ARTICLE – Diallel analysis in cowpea aiming at selection for extra-earliness
- ARTICLE – Characterization and selection of interspecific hybrids of Brachiaria decumbens for seed production in Campo Grande – MS
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of SRAP markers for mapping of Pisum sativum L.
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity and apple leaf spot disease resistance characterization assessed by SSR markers
- ARTICLE – Environmental effect on sunflower oil quality
- ARTICLE – Genetic engineering of cotton with a novel cry2AX1 gene to impart insect resistance against Helicoverpa armigera
- ARTICLE – RNAi-mediated resistance to SMV and BYMV in transgenic tobacco
- ARTICLE – Genetic and cytological diversity in cherry tree accessions (Eugenia involucrata DC) in Rio Grande do Sul
- ARTICLE – Resistance to Fusarium wilt in common bean
- NOTE – Application of microsatellite markers to confirm controlled crosses and assess genetic identity in common bean
- NOTE – Be-Breeder – Learning: a new tool for teaching and learning plant breeding principles
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 1104 – extra strong wheat with high yield potential
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF Rio Dourado: a new passion fruit cultivar with high yield potential
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – URS Altiva – a new oat cultivar with high agronomic performance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Uai: common bean cultivar with carioca grain type and upright plant architecture
CBAB 16 (2) 2016
- ARTICLE – Missing value imputation in multi-environment trials: Reconsidering the Krzanowski method
- ARTICLE – Bunch yield of interspecific hybrids of American oil palm with oil palm in the juvenile phase
- ARTICLE – Flowering traits in tetraploid Brachiaria ruziziensis breeding
- ARTICLE – Large-scale, high-efficiency production of coffee somatic embryos
- ARTICLE – Whisker-mediated transformation of peanut with chitinase gene enhances resistance to leaf spot disease
- ARTICLE – Estimate of genetic parameters in Brachiaria decumbens hybrids
- ARTICLE – Effect of recurrent selection on the variability of the UENF-14 popcorn population
- ARTICLE – Genetic variation and gain in progenies of crambe
- ARTICLE – Cacao families and parents selected as resistant to natural infection of Moniliophthora perniciosa
- NOTE – Performance of new apple rootstocks for Gala variety in Southern Brazil
- NOTE – Host status of progenies of yellow passion fruit to Meloidogyne incognita race 2
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CG FARRAPO: a sudangrass cultivar with high biomass and grain yields
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Ártico – Common bean cultivar with exportstandard white grain
CBAB 16 (1) 2016
- ARTICLE – Factor analysis applied to the G+GE matrix via REML/BLUP for multi-environment data
- ARTICLE – Pathogenic variability of Moniliophthora perniciosa in three agroecological zones of the cacao region of Bahia, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Bayesian estimation of genotypic and phenotypic correlations from crop variety trials
- ARTICLE – Construction and characterization of a bacterial artificial chromosome library of the maize inbred line Qi319
- ARTICLE – Molecular characterization of ‘sweet’ cassavas (Manihot esculenta) from a germplasm bank in Brazilian Eastern Amazonia
- ARTICLE – Tetraploidization in citrus rootstocks: effect of genetic constitution and environment in chromosome duplication
- ARTICLE – Coffea arabica clones resistant to coffee leaf miner
- ARTICLE – In vitro callus induction and micropropagation of Thymus persicus (Lamiaceae), an endangered medicinal plant
- ARTICLE – Genetic resistance of maize inbred lines to anthracnose leaf blight
- ARTICLE – Genetics and identification of markers linked to multiflorous spikelet in hexaploid oat
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 404 – wheat cultivar for rainfed conditions
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 1805 – Wheat with flour characteristics for cookie baking
CBAB 15 (4) 2015
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of resistance to papaya ringspot virus-watermelon strain (PRSV-W) in ‘Whitaker’ summer squash line
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of selection in early generations of potato families with a view toward heat tolerance
- ARTICLE – Genetic progress and potential of common bean families obtained by recurrent selection
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and selection of Brachiaria decumbens hybrids for agronomic traits and resistance to spittlebugs
- ARTICLE – Heterosis and combining ability in crosses between two groups of open-pollinated maize populations
- ARTICLE – Genotype-environment interaction in common bean cultivars with carioca grain cultivated in Brazil in the last 40 years
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of aluminum resistance in hybrids of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf.
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of combining ability in white corn for special use as corn grits
- ARTICLE – Intraspecific variability of camu-camu fruit in native populations of northern Amazonia
- ARTICLE – Genetic and cytogenetic structure of wild lemon grass (Elionurus muticus) populations
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR AFRODITE – new oat cultivar with nematode resistance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS121 CL: Rice cultivar resistant to herbicides of imidazolinone chemical group
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘Norine’, a cinnamon-linalool hybrid cultivar of basil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 369RF and BRS 370RF: Glyphosate tolerant, high-yielding upland cotton cultivars for central Brazilian savanna
CBAB 15 (3) 2015
- ARTICLE – Application of neural networks to predict volume in eucalyptus
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of tolerance to Cowpea Mild Mottle Virus in soybean
- ARTICLE – Crossability and evaluation of incompatibility barriers in crosses between Capsicum species
- ARTICLE – Genetic base of Brazilian irrigated rice cultivars
- ARTICLE – Combining ability and heterosis of relevant fruit traits of tomato genotypes for industrial processing
- ARTICLE – Differential transformation efficiency of Japonica rice varieties developed in northern China
- ARTICLE – Implications of early selection for resistance to anthracnose in genetic breeding of common bean
- NOTE – Yield, market quality, and leaf spots partial resistance of interspecific peanut progenies
- NOTE – New sources of resistance to Myrothecium roridum and Podosphaeria xanthii in yellow melon
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB99395: Sugarcane cultivar with high sucrose content
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UEL 175: a novel lipoxygenase-free soybean cultivar with kunitz trypsin inhibitor absence
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB975952 – Early maturing sugarcane cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – URS Brava – a new oat cultivar with partial resistance to crown rust
CBAB 15 (2) 2015
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of traits related to phosphorus use efficiency in tropical maize
- ARTICLE – Effects of immersion system and gibberellic acid on the growth and acclimatization of micropropagated pineapple
- ARTICLE – Selection in sugarcane families with artificial neural networks
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction of melon families based on fruit quality traits
- ARTICLE – Reaction and colonization of common bean genotypes by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens
- ARTICLE – An efficient shoot regeneration system for medicinally important Elephantopus scaber Linn.
- NOTE – Brazilian biodiversity for ornamental use and conservation
- NOTE – Chromosome doubling in Paspalum notatum var. saure (cultivar Pensacola)
- NOTE – Global DNA methylation changes in Cucurbitaceae inter-species grafting
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Centauro – oat cultivar for ground cover and grazing
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CR Dhan 407, a high-yielding rice cultivar released for the rainfed shallow lowland ecosystem of eastern India
CBAB 15 (1) 2015
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of selection within sugarcane families via simulated individual BLUP
- ARTICLE – In vitro propagation of Cyrtopodium saintlegerianum rchb. f. (orchidaceae), a native orchid of the Brazilian savannah
- ARTICLE – Peach palm core collection in Brazilian Amazonia
- ARTICLE – Genetic characterization of cotton landraces found in the Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte states
- NOTE – Diallel analysis of popcorn lines and hybrids for baby corn production
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Harmonia – triticale cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Sampa: malting barley cultivar for irrigated production
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB002504 – New early-maturing sugarcane cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 1550 – bread wheat cultivar with high gluten strength for the cooler regions of Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CG PICAÇO: a new cultivar of sudangrass with high forage performance and seed yield
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR CATUARA TM – new cultivar of high gluten wheat
CBAB 14 (4) 2014
- ARTICLE – Inheritance and genetic mapping of resistance to Asian soybean rust in cultivar TMG 803
- ARTICLE – History of wheat cultivars released by Embrapa in forty years of research
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence among Brachiara humidicola (Rendle) Schweick hybrids evaluated in the Western Brazilian Amazon
- ARTICLE – An Agrobacterium mediated transformation system of guava (Psidium guajava L.) with endochitinase gene
- ARTICLE – Estimation of genetic parameters and verification of early selection efficiency in baru (Dipteryx alata)
- ARTICLE – Resistance of Eucalyptus pellita to rust (Puccinia psidii)
- NOTE – Chromosome duplication in Lolium multiflorum Lam.
- NOTE – Inheritance of different fiber colors in cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.)
- NOTE – Genetic evaluation of popcorn families using a Bayesian approach via the independence chain algorithm
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS MAGNA’ – a novel grape cultivar for juice making, with wide climatic adaptation
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 123 – Wheat bread for white flour in cool regions of Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘IAC Milênio’ – Common bean cultivar with high grain quality
CBAB 14 (3) 2014
- ARTICLE – DNA fingerprinting of Japanese plum (Prunus salicina) cultivars based on microsatellite markers
- ARTICLE – Implications of predictable and unpredictable environmental factors in common bean VCU trials in Minas Gerais
- ARTICLE – Morphological effects of induced polyploidy in Dendrobium nobile Lindl. (Orchidaceae)
- ARTICLE – Implications of selection in common bean lines in contrasting environments concerning nitrogen levels
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity and structure of Astrocaryum jauari (Mart.) palm in two Amazon river basins
- ARTICLE – Effective selection criteria for assessing the resistance of stink bugs complex in soybean
- ARTICLE – Marker-assisted selection strategies for developing resistant soybean plants to cyst nematode
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability in progenies of Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden for resistance to Puccinia psidii
- NOTE – Genetic base of paddy rice cultivars of Southern Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC OL 3 and IAC OL 4: new Brazilian peanut cultivars with the high oleic trait
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Vitória’ – a novel seedless table grape cultivar exhibiting special flavor and tolerance to downy mildew (Pasmopara viticola)
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Progresso – Rye cultivar
CBAB 14 (2) 2014
- ARTICLE – Sample size for the assessment of soybean inbred populations
- ARTICLE – A glutathione s-transferase confers herbicide tolerance in rice
- ARTICLE – Correlations and path analysis of yield components in cowpea
- ARTICLE – Selection of Arabic coffee progenies with rust resistance
- ARTICLE – Selection of coffee progenies for resistance to nematode Meloidogyne paranaensis in infested area
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of biparental crossing in sugarcane analyzed by SSR markers
- ARTICLE – Micropropagation and callogenesis in Mandevilla guanabarica (Apocynaceae), an endemic plant from Brazil
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of the naked trait in panicles of hexaploid oat
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Vivi: single-cross super sweet corn hybrid
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UFV-M7: mutant yellow passionfruit genotype with photoperiod insensitivity for flowering
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB962962, a sugarcane cultivar for late harvest
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 122 – Bread wheat, suitable for cultivation across southern Brazil
CBAB 14 (1) 2014
- ARTICLE – Rapid screening for selection of heavy metal-tolerant plants
- ARTICLE – Agronomic performance of super-sweet corn genotypes in the north of Rio de Janeiro
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of special grains bean lines for grain yield, cooking time and mineral concentrations
- ARTICLE – Diallel analysis of maize inbred lines for grain yield, oil and protein content.
- ARTICLE – Variability, heritability, and correlations of agronomic traits in an onion landrace and derived S1 lines
- ARTICLE – Application of RAPD markers in hybrid verification in coconut
- ARTICLE – Combining ability of grain sorghum lines selected for aluminum tolerance
- ARTICLE – Yield performance of half-sib families of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.)
- REVIEW – Plant breeding with marker-assisted selection in Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Realce: Common bean cultivar with striped grains for the state of Minas Gerais
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 328 – Double haploid bread wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – SCS118 Marques – New rice cultivar obtained through induced mutation
CBAB 13 (4) 2013
- ARTICLE – Molecular diversity in Coffea canephora germplasm conserved and cultivated in Brazil
- ARTICLE – Cytological characterization of Jatropha curcas callus in different periods of cultivation
- ARTICLE – Improving the precision of genotype selection in wheat performance trials
- ARTICLE – Effect of environments on the estimated genetic potential of segregating common bean populations
- ARTICLE – Mapping of resistance genes to races 1, 3 and 5 of Podosphaera xanthii in melon PI 414723
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity in Brazilian tall coconut populations by microsatellite markers
- NOTE – Induced desynaptic variation in poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC 203 and IAC 204: new upland rice varieties for the State of São Paulo
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – MT BB: Tomato cultivar for practical classes of plant genetics and breeding
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Esteio – Common bean cultivar with black grain, high yield potential and moderate resistance to anthracnose
CBAB 13 (3) 2013
- ARTICLE – Optimizing the number of progenies and replications in plant breeding experiments
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability in subsamples of determinate growth lima bean
- ARTICLE – The effect of growth regulators on sex expression in melon (Cucumis melo L.)
- ARTICLE – Selection of carioca common bean progenies resistant to white mold
- ARTICLE – Evaluation efficiency of severity of angular leaf spot in common bean based on diseased and healthy leaf area
- ARTICLE – Reproductive characteristics of citrus rootstocks grown under greenhouse and field environments
- REVIEW – Food type soybean cooking time: a review
- NOTE – Genetic purity testing of pumpkin hybrid seed by ultrathin-layer isoelectric focusing
- NOTE – Correlations and path analysis of morphological and yield traits of cactus pear accessions
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Caçula: very early upland rice cultivar for Minas Gerais
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 374 – Wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 107 – Dwarf arabic coffee cultivar with resistance to coffee leaf rust
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UENF 14: a new popcorn cultivar
CBAB 13 (2) 2013
- ARTICLE – Pyramiding of two BPH resistance genes and Stv-bi gene using marker-assisted selection in japonica rice
- ARTICLE – Heritability of stem straightness and genetic correlations in Eucalyptus cladocalyx in the semi-arid region of Chile
- ARTICLE – Consistency of the results of path analysis among sugarcane experiments
- ARTICLE – Introgression of resistance to pathogens in common bean lines with the aid of molecular markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic molecular diversity, production and resistance to witches’ broom in cacao clones
- ARTICLE – Effect of auxin and gibberellic acid on growth and yield components of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of sweet sorghum cultivars
- ARTICLE – Artificial neural networks for adaptability and stability evaluation in alfalfa genotypes
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 121 – Cultivar with flour characteristics for cookie baking
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Savanna: new six-rowed malting barley cultivar for irrigated crops in the Brazilian savanna
CBAB 13(1) 2013
- PLANT BREEDING PROGRAM – Development of cold and drought tolerant short-season maize germplasm for fuel and feed utilization
- REVIEW – Implications on the introduction of transgenics in Brazilian maize breeding programs
- ARTICLE – Resistance of soybean genotypes to the reniform nematode in a controlled environment
- ARTICLE – Search for sources of resistance to Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum) in okra germplasm
- ARTICLE – Two cycles of recurrent selection in red bean breeding
- ARTICLE – Parental selection of wheat lines based on phenotypic characterization and genetic diversity
- ARTICLE – Application of LW7 marker for identification of progenies with male sterility gene in sweet sorghum population
- ARTICLE – Genetic variation in the emblematic Puya raimondii (Bromeliaceae) from Huascarán National Park, Peru
- ARTICLE – Resistance to Asian soybean rust in soybean lines with the pyramided three Rpp genes
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of sugarcane genotypes and production environments in Paraná by GGE biplot and AMMI analysis
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 99 – Dwarf arabica coffee cultivar resistant to coffee ringspot virus
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 103 – Rustic dwarf arabic coffee cultivar more adapted to hot regions and poor soils
- ARTICLE – Contribution of graduate programs in plant breeding to the education of plant breeders in Brazil
- ARTICLE – Contribution and perspectives of quantitative genetics to plant breeding in Brazil
- ARTICLE – Contributions of the Instituto Agronômico (IAC) for plant breeding
- ARTICLE – Plant breeding at Instituto Agronômico do Paraná: IAPAR
- ARTICLE – Embrapa’s contribution to the development of new plant varieties and their impact on Brazilian agriculture
- ARTICLE – Contribution of the institutions in the Northern region of Brazil to the development of plant cultivars and their impact on agriculture
- ARTICLE – Plant breeding in the semiarid region of Brazil: examples of success
- ARTICLE – Breeders’ work after cultivar development: the stage of recommendation
- ARTICLE – Genetic resources: the basis for sustainable and competitive plant breeding
- ARTICLE – Genetic improvement of sugar cane for bioenergy: the brazilian experience in network research with RIDESA
- ARTICLE – Evolution, importance and evaluation of cultivar protection in Brazil: the work of the SNPC
- ARTICLE – Contributions of plant breeding in Brazil: progress and perspectives
- ARTICLE – Contribution of the universities to the development of field crop cultivars
CBAB 12 (4) 2012
- ARTICLE – Epistatic effects on grain yield of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]
- ARTICLE – Estimation of genetic parameters and selection of Brachiaria humidicola progenies using a selection index
- ARTICLE – Path analysis of iron and zinc contents and others traits in cowpea
- ARTICLE – Effect of selection on genetic variability in yellow passion fruit
- ARTICLE – Phenotypic and genetic characterization of partial resistance to crown rust in Avena sativa L.
- ARTICLE – Inbreeding depression in castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) progenies
- NOTE – Pollen grain germination and fruit set in Brazilian seedless sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.)
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Madrepérola: common bean cultivar with late-darkening Carioca grain
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG União: common bean cultivar with jalo grain for the state of Minas Gerais
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – FAEM Chiarasul: new white oat cultivar with high yield and grainprocessing quality
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Common bean cultivar BRS Ametista with large Carioca grains and disease resistance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC IMPERADOR: early maturity carioca bean cultivar
CBAB 12 (3) 2012
- ARTICLE – Tagging microsatellite marker to a blast resistance gene in the irrigated rice cultivar Cica-8
- ARTICLE – In vitro germination and embryogenic competence acquisition of Euterpe edulis Martius immature zygotic embryos
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of resistance to anthracnose stalk rot (Colletotrichum graminicola) in tropical maize inbred lines
- ARTICLE – Estimation of genetic parameters in rubber progenies
- ARTICLE – Plant selection in F2 segregating populations of papaya from commercial hybrids
- ARTICLE – The Inheritance of late blight resistance derived from Solanum habrochaites
- NOTE – Contribution of components of production on snap bean yield
- NOTE – Phenotypic correlations between combining abilities of F2 cowpea populations
- NOTE – Heritability and correlation among potato tuber traits
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Notável: a medium-early-maturing, disease-resistant Carioca common bean cultivar with high yield potential
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 335: A midseason high-yielding upland cotton cultivar for Northeast Brazilian savanna
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSGO Serra Dourada: upland rice cultivar for family agriculture in the State of Goiás
CBAB 12 (2) 2012
- ARTICLE – Agrobiodiversity in Cucurbita spp. landraces collected in Rio de Janeiro assessed by molecular markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity of Cuban pineapple germplasm assessed by AFLP Markers
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of maize varieties using mixed model methodology
- ARTICLE – Identification of a Simple Sequence Repeat molecular-marker set for large-scale analyses of pear germplasm
- ARTICLE – Segregation ratios of colored grains in F1 hybrid wheat
- ARTICLE – Chemical composition as related to seed color of common bean
- NOTE – Meiotic irregularities in Capsicum L. species
- NOTE – Genetic control of resistance to gray leaf spot of maize in tropical germplasm
- NOTE – Prediction of genotypic values of maize for the agricultural frontier region in northeastern Maranhão, Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – FAEM Carlasul: new white oat cultivar with high grain yield
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Sugarcane: cultivar RB937570
CBAB 12 (1) 2012
- REVIEW – Advances on molecular studies of the interaction soybean – Asian rust
- ARTICLE – Productive potential and interaction of elite bean lines with environments in the Central Cerrado of Brazil
- ARTICLE – Phenotypic and molecular selection of yellow passion fruit progenies in the second cycle of recurrent selection
- ARTICLE – Value for cultivation and use of upland rice cultivars tested in multienvironments
- ARTICLE – Common bean breeding for resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot assisted by SCAR molecular markers
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of soybean advanced lines of semi early cycle for rust resistance
- ARTICLE – Meiotic behavior of wild Caricaceae species potentially suitable for papaya improvement
- NOTE – QTL detection of yield-related traits of cashew
- NOTE – Inheritance of resistance to the Papaya ringspot virus-watermelon strain (PRSV-W) from watermelon accession PI 595201
- NOTE – Characterization of genetic variability among common bean genotypes by morphological descriptors
- NOTE – Genetic parameters of wheat populations in environments with contrasting temperatures
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 336: A high-quality fiber upland cotton cultivar for Brazilian savanna and semi-arid conditions
- EDITORIAL – CBAB: a decade of success!
- ARTICLE – Breeding self-pollinated plants
- ARTICLE – Cultivar development of allogamous crops
- ARTICLE – Biofuel plant species and the contribution of genetic improvement
- ARTICLE – Breeding tropical forages
- ARTICLE – Breeding vegetatively propagated horticultural crops
- ARTICLE – Genetic improvement of forest tree species
- ARTICLE – Marker-assisted selection for quantitative traits
- ARTICLE – Germplasm enhancement for adaptation to climate changes
- ARTICLE – Development and application of microsatellites in plant breeding
- ARTICLE – Cacao breeding in Bahia, Brazil: strategies and results
- ARTICLE – Effect of rootstock on the scion of Hevea brasiliensis through metabolic analysis of latex samples by ¹H NMR
- NOTE – Competences in plant breeding in Brazil
- NOTE – Program R: applications in plant breeding
- NOTE – Genetic improvement of vegetables: development of open-pollinated cultivars
- NOTE – Accessibility and exchange of plant germplasm by Embrapa
CBAB 11 (4) 2011
- ARTICLE – A genomic assisted breeding program for cassava to improve nutritional quality and industrial traits of storage root
- ARTICLE – Resistance gradient of black pod disease in cocoa and selection by leaf disk assay
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity in soybean genotypes with resistance to Genetic diversity in soybean genotypes with resistance to Heterodera glycines Heterodera glycines
- ARTICLE – Diallel analysis of yield and quality traits of melon fruits
- ARTICLE – Preculture sugarcane tissue in sucrose-supplemented culture medium to induce desiccation tolerance
- ARTICLE – Repeatability of family means in early generations of potato under heat stress
- ARTICLE – In vitro viability and preservation of pollen grain of kiwi (Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa (A. Chev.) A. Chev)
- ARTICLE – Implication of the changing concept of genes on plant breeder’s work
- NOTE – ISSR markers for genetic relationships in Caricaceae and sex differentiation in papaya
- NOTE – Minimum number of common bean plants per plot to assess field resistance to white mold
- NOTE – Genetic diversity in NaN3-induced common bean mutants and commercial varieties detected by AFLP
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Brisasul: a new high-yielding white oat cultivar with reduced lodging
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 120 – wheat cultivar, standard quality soft, for the Southern Region of Brazil
CBAB 11 (3) 2011
- ARTICLES – Evolution of plant breeding
- ARTICLES – Complex interaction between genotypes and growing seasons of carioca common bean in Goiás/Distrito Federal
- ARTICLES – Genetic diversity in natural populations of Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.)
- ARTICLES – Artificial neural network analysis of genetic diversity in Carica papaya L.
- ARTICLES – Characterization of sweet cassava accessions based on molecular, quantitative and qualitative data
- ARTICLE – Reproductive characterization of interspecific hybrids among Capsicum species
- NOTES – Genetics of phosphorus content in common bean seeds
- NOTES – Sources of resistance to Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens in common bean accessions
- NOTES – Genetic variability among cassava accessions based on SSR markers
- NOTES – The difference between breeding for nutrient use efficiency and for nutrient stress tolerance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Esplendor – Common bean cultivar with black grain, upright growth and disease resistance
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB965902 and RB965917 – Early/medium maturing sugarcane varieties
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Saturno – triticale cultivar
CBAB 11 (2) 2011
- ARTICLES – Seasonal and genetic influences on sex expression in a backcrossed segregating papaya population
- ARTICLES – Prediction of genetic gains from selection in Arabica coffee progenies
- ARTICLES – Analysis of self-fertilization and meiotic behavior of eleven Brazilian triticale cultivars at two sowing dates
- ARTICLES – Diallel analysis in white oat cultivars subjected to water stress
- ARTICLES – Genetic gains for heat tolerance in potato in three cycles of recurrent selection
- ARTICLES – Stratified mass selection of promising Spondias mombin clones in a commercial crop
- ARTICLES – Genetic divergence among Psidium accessions based on biochemical and agronomic variables
- ARTICLES – Molecular markers detect stable genomic regions underlying tomato fruit shelf life and weight
- NOTES – Genetics of common bean resistance to white mold
- NOTES – Characterization of tomato accessions for resistance to early blight
- NOTES – Determination of the mating system of Tucumã palm using microsatellite markers
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 150 – short wheat cultivar with high quality and high yield
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Cipotânea and BRS Diamantina: maize varieties
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Japonesa: new sweet cassava cultivar for the Distrito Federal region
CBAB 11 (1) 2011
- ARTICLE – Combining ability of sugarcane genotypes based on the selection rates of single cross families
- ARTICLES – Evaluation of genotype x environment interactions in maize hybrids using GGE biplot analysis
- ARTICLES – Early selection of parents and trees in Eucalyptus full-sib progeny tests
- ARTICLES – QTL detection for physicochemical characteristics of cashew apple
- ARTICLES – Cytogenetics of Mimosa bimucronata (DC.) O. Kuntze (Mimosoideae, Leguminosae): chromosome number, polysomaty and meiosis
- ARTICLES – Testers for combining ability and selection of papaya hybrids resistant to fungal diseases
- ARTICLE – Meiotic analysis in induced tetraploids of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf
- ARTICLES – Common bean breeding to improve red grain lines
- NOTES – Repeatability and number of growing seasons for the selection of custard apple progenies
- NOTES – Genetic variability in populations of sweet corn, common corn and teosinte
- NOTES – Genetic divergence among Brazilian turmeric germplasm using morpho-agronomical descriptors
- NOTES – Reaction of tangerines genotypes to Elsinoe fawcettii under natural infection conditions
- NOTES – Identification of promising wheat genotypes for crossing
- NOTES – Correlations and path analysis of peanut traits associated with the peg
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UFUS Riqueza: a new soybean cultivar for the state of Minas Gerais
CBAB 10 (4) 2010
- ARTICLE – Genetic study with Genetic study with Heliconia psittacorum and interspecific and interspecific hybrids
- ARTICLE – Magnitude of the genetic base of commercial popcorn and in recommendation in Brazil in recommendation in Brazil
- ARTICLE – Breeding potential and genetic diversity of “Híbrido do Breeding potential and genetic diversity of “Híbrido do Timor” coffee evaluated by molecular markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of agronomic traits in an oat population of recombinant lines
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of maize core collection for drought tolerance
- ARTICLE – Detection of QTL associated with rust resistance using IBD-based methodologies in exogamic Eucalyptus spp. populations
- ARTICLE – Genetic gain in the breeding program of common beans at IAC from 1989 to 2007
- ARTICLE – Evolution of the response of segregating populations of plums and the association with microsatellite markers of leaf scald
- ARTICLE – Breeding methods and history of bean cultivars released in CBAB – Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
- ARTICLE – Estimation of genetic progress after eight cycles of recurrent selection for common bean grain yield
- ARTICLE – Stability and adaptability of upland rice genotypes
- NOTE – Genetic similarity of Jatropha curcas accessions based on AFLP markers
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 327 – a new bread wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Formoso: new carioca common bean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Estilo – Common bean cultivar with Carioca grain, upright growth and high yield potential
CBAB 10 (3) 2010
- ARITCLE – Heterosis performance in industrial and yield components of sweet corn
- ARTICLE – Yield traits as selection indices in seedling populations Yield traits as selection indices in seedling populations of cassava
- ARTICLE – Characterization of soybean genotypes for Asian soybean rust reaction
- ARTICLE – Molecular characterization and genetic diversity of Molecular characterization and genetic diversity of potato cultivars using SSR and RAPD markers potato cultivars using SSR and RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability in the peach palm genebank with RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Inheritance and potential use of grain color in the Inheritance and potential use of grain color in the identification of genotypes resistant to pre-harvest identification of genotypes resistant to pre-harvest sprouting in wheat
- ARTICLE – Agronomic, physical and chemical characterization of banana fruits
- ARTICLE – Eight cycles of recurrent selection for resistance to Eight cycles of recurrent selection for resistance to angular leaf spot in common bean
- ARTICLE – Genetic variation of Indian potato ( Genetic variation of Indian potato (Solanum tuberosum Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes using chromosomal and RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of maize hybrids and environmental Evaluation of maize hybrids and environmental stratification by the methods AMMI and GGE biplot stratification by the methods AMMI and GGE biplot
- NOTE – Half-sib progenies evaluation in velvet grass Half-sib progenies evaluation in velvet grass
- NOTE – Phenotypic divergence among wine grap accessions in the semi-arid region of Brazil the semi-arid region of Brazil
- NOTE – Variability in Variability in Macadamia integrifolia by RAPD markers by RAPD markers
- NOTE – Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. f. sp. phaseoli phaseoli and Meloidogyne Meloidogyne incognita incognita interaction in common bean
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – FUS Guarani: new soybean cultivar for the state Minas UFUS Guarani: new soybean cultivar for the state Minas Gerais
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB966928 – Early maturing sugarcane cultivar
CBAB 10 (2) 2010
- ARTICLE – Detection of quantitative trait loci for physical traits of cashew apple
- ARTICLE – Identification of hybrids of intra and interspecific crosses in Annonaceae by RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence among barley accessions from Ethiopia
- ARTICLE – Eucalyptus pellita as a source of resistance to rust, ceratocystis wilt and leaf blight
- ARTICLE – Environmental stratification in Paraná and Santa Catarina to evaluate common bean genotypes
- ARTICLE – Early selection of agronomic traits in segregation black bean populations
- ARTICLE – Comparison of estimation and prediction methods of genotypic means in maize variety trials
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity in yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) based on RAPD
- ARTICLE – Realized heritability in the selection of Eucalyptus spp. trees through progeny test
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of resistance in sorghum genotypes to the causal agent of anthracnose
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 119: A wheat cultivar for cold subtropical regions
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Relâmpago: an early upland rice cultivar with high grain quality
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 293: A midseason high-yielding upland cotton cultivar for Brazilian savanna
CBAB 10 (1) 2010
- ARTICLE – Genetic map of the common bean using a breeding population derived from the Mesoamerican gene pool
- ARTICLE – Recurrent selection as breeding strategy for heat tolerance in wheat
- ARTICLE – Genetic interrelationship among nutritional and quantitative traits in the vegetable amaranth
- ARTICLE – Marker-assisted selection for the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ar in a backcross population
- ARTICLE – Prediction of genotypic values of maize hybrids in unbalanced experiments
- ARTICLE – Root distribution in common bean populations used in breeding programs
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of soybean in terms of oil and protein content
- ARTICLE – Brachiaria germplasm dissimilarity as shown by RAPD markers
- ARTICLE -Inheritance of resistance to Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides in cotton
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity among tomato’s subsamples for prebreeding
- NOTE – Genetic variability in Brachiaria ruziziensis for resistance to spittlebugs
- ARTICLE – Polymorphic information content of SSR markers for Coffea spp.
- ARTICLE – Management system of an active genebank of common bean
CBAB 09 (4) 2009
- ARTICLE – Potato clones with multiple copies of the Ryadg allele conferring resistance to PVY
- ARTICLE – Reaction of coffee cultivars Tupi IAC 1669-33 and IPR 100 to nematode Meloidogyne paranaensis
- ARTICLE – Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses with Eberhart and Russell’ method for genotype x environment interaction
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of the multilocus analysis for the construction of genetic maps
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of carotenoids in maize cultivars
- ARTICLE – Viability of eggplant pollen
- ARTICLE – Chromosome duplication in Brachiaria (A. Rich.) Stapf allows intraspecific crosses
- ARTICLE – Stratification of the state of Santa Catarina in macro-environments for bean cultivation
- ARTICLE – In silico analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats from chloroplast genomes of Solanaceae species
- ARTICLE – Combining ability of opium poppy genotypes over F1 and F2 generations of 8×8 diallel cross
- ARTICLE – Development and validation of SSR markers for Coffea arabica L.
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability for mineral concentration of Eruca sativa L. and Diplotaxis tenuifolia L. accessions
- NOTE – Chromosome number and karyotype of the endangered Amazonian woody Centrolobium paraense Tul. species
- NOTE – Chromosome numbers of Jatropha curcas L.: an important agrofuel plant
CBAB 09 (3) 2009
- ARTICLE – Variance component estimation with longitudinal data: a simulation study with alternative methods
- ARTICLE – Genetic dissimilarity of ‘yellow’ and ‘sleep’ passion fruit accessions based on the fruits physical-chemical characteristics
- ARTICLE – Yield stability and adaptability of maize hybrids based on GGE biplot analysis characteristics
- ARTICLE – Heterosis and heterotic patterns among maize landraces for forage
- ARTICLE – DNA marker-assisted evaluation of cultivated and local mulberry genotypes of southern India
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in snap bean based on agronomic traits and resistance to bacterial wilt
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in cowpea genotypes with upright growth and early cycle
- ARTICLE – Stability and adaptability of early maturing sugarcane clones by AMMI analysis
- ARTICLE – Studies on Inter and intra-population variability of Pongamia pinnata: a bioenergy legume tree
- NOTE – Embryogenic calli induced in interspecific (Elaeis guineensis x E. oleifera) hybrid zygotic embryos
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 277: Wheat cultivar
CBAB 09 (2) 2009
- ARTICLE – Combining ability of wheat genotypes in two models of diallel analyses
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and selection for resistance to bacterial spot in recombinant F6 lines of Capsicum annuum
- ARTICLE – Genetic variation of phytochemical compounds in progenies of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.
- ARTICLE – Inheritance and combining ability in some powdery mildew resistant wheat lines
- ARTICLE – Strategies for recommendation of common bean lines tested for value of cultivation and use in different environments
- ARTICLE – Genetic resistance of new popcorn hybrids to foliar diseases
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of aluminum tolerance in maize
- ARTICLE – RAPD-based genetic relationships in different o Bougainvillea cultivars
- ARTICLE – Characterization of recommended banana cultivars using morphological and molecular descriptors
- ARTICLE – Selection of popcorn inbred lines based on performance and genealogy of S5 progenies and plants
- ARTICLE – Stability and adaptability of carioca common bean genotypes in states of the central South Region of Brazil
- REVIEW – Genetic plant improvement and climate changes
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 116: A healthy wheat cultivar with industrial quality
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC Jabola and IAC Esperança: common bean cultivars for market niches
CBAB 09 (1) 2009
- ARTICLE – Genetic gains in popcorn by full-sib recurrent selection
- ARTICLE – Multiple Centroid Methodology to analyze genotype adaptability
- ARTICLE – Microsatellite diversity and heterozygosity of parents of a cocoa breeding population
- ARTICLE – Pathogenic variability within race 65 of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and its implications for common bean breeding
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in popcorn genotypes using microsatellites in bulk genomic DNA
- ARTICLE – Cross compatibility of domesticated hot pepper and cultivated sweet pepper
- ARTICLE – Validation of microsatellite markers for assisted selection of soybean genotypes resistant to powdery mildew
- ARTICLE – Assessment of genetic diversity in a highly valuable medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus using molecular
- ARTICLE – Use of testers for combining ability and selection of papapya hybrids
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in Conilon coffee revealed by RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – AFLP markers for the assessment of genetic diversity in european and North American potato varieties cultivated in Iran
- ARTICLE – Irrigated rice genotype performance under excess iron stress in hydroponic culture
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Barbarasul: a high-yielding and lodging-resistant white oat cultivar
CBAB 08 (4) 2008
- ARTICLE – Environmental stratification based on a 28 x 28 diallel of open-pollinated maize varieties
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of resistance to Verticillium wilt in cotton
- ARTICLE – Inter-trait relations for direct and indirect selection in coffee
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of the number of days to flowering in common bean
- ARTICLE – Crossing and diagnostic methods of cubiu hybrid plants based on genetic markers
- ARTICLE – Nitrogen-use efficiency of maize genotypes in contrasting environments
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of early grain darkening of carioca common bean
- ARTICLE – Severity of banana leaf spot in an intercropping system in two cycles of banana Prata Anã
- ARTICLE – Isolation, characterization and amplification of simple sequence repeat loci in coffee
- ARTICLE – Cytogenetics of Hypericum caprifoliatum Cham. & Schltdl. (Clusiaceae) populations and other species of the genus
- ARTICLE – Estimates of compensation and stability parameters in common bean lines aiming at multilines
CBAB 08 (3) 2008
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of umbu-caja germplasm in the state of Bahia, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Morphologic characterization and genetic diversity of Capsicum chinense Jacq. accessions along the upper Rio Negro – Amazonas
- ARTICLE – Callus induction and plant regeneration by Brazilian new elite wheat genotypes
- ARTICLE – Analysis of genetic diversity in the core collection of red clover (Trifolium pratense) with isozyme and RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Chromosome numbers, meiotic behavior and pollen fertility in a collection of Paspalum nicorae Parodi accessions
- ARTICLE – Estimation and prediction of parameters and breeding values in soybean using REML/BLUP and Least Squares
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence and parent selection of sugarcane clones
- ARTICLE – Genetic progress in traits of yield, phenology and morphology of common bean
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 274 (BRS Jacaju): common or giant cashew clone
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 98: Rust-resistant dwarf arabica coffee cultivar for dense spacing
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 217 Flora: Early-maturing soybean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 275 (BRS Dão): Hybrid clone of dwarf x common or giant cashew
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Predileta: irrigated rice cultivar for lowlands in Minas Gerais, Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELLEASE – CD 115: Soft Wheat Cultivar for colder regions
CBAB 08 (2) 2008
- ARTICLE – Resistance to bacterial blight in arabica coffee cultivars
- ARTICLE – Genetic dissimilarity in cassava clones determined by multivariate techniques
- ARTICLE – In vitro germination and viability of pollen grains of banana diploids
- ARTICLE – Methods of adaptability and stability analysis in irrigated rice genotypes in Minas Gerais, Brazil
- ARTICLE -Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to assess protein and lipid contents in Avena sativa L.
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of mineral content in maize under flooding
- ARTICLE – Diversity of cacao fat in germplasm from Rondônia, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of methods for conducting segregating populations in the breeding of common beans for protein quality
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters of resistance components to Xanthomonas spp. in tomato
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC-Alvorada and IAC-Diplomata: new common bean cultivars
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Cometa: a carioca common bean cultivar with erect growth habit
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC-Boreal and IAC-Harmonia: common bean Bultivars with striped grains
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Minotauro – Triticale Cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC-Galante and IAC-Centauro; special common bean types
CBAB 08 (1) 2008
- ARTICLE – Selection and estimation of the genetic gain in segregating generations of papaya
- ARTICLE: Alternative methodology for Scott-Knott test .
- ARTICLE – Environment and genotype-environment interaction in maize breeding in Parana, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Molecular characterization of Cassava with yelloworange roots for beta-carotene improvement
- ARTICLE – Early performance of Olea europaea cv. Arbequina, Picual and Frantoio in the southern Atacama Desert
- ARTICLE – Progress in breeding of irrigated wheat for the Cerrado region of Brazil
- ARTICLE – Analysis of direct and indirect selection and indices in soybean segregating populations
- ARTICLE – Breeding potential of maize composite Isanão VF1 in small spacing in the second growing season
- ARTICLE – Estimation of genetic parameters related to morpho-agronomic and fruit quality traits of papaya
- ARTICLE – Identification of essentially derived soybean cultivars using microsatellite markers
- ARTICLE – Determination of the number of years in Arabic coffee progenies selection through repeatability
- ARTICLE – Phylogenetic relationships in Solanaceae and related species based on cpDNA sequence from plastid trn EtrnT region
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 254 – Wheat cultivar for irrigated conditions
CBAB 07 (4) 2007
- ARTICLE – Genetic gain prediction for wheat with different selection criteria
- ARTICLE – Effect of self-pollination monitored by microsatellite markers on maize kernel weight
- ARTICLE – Genotypic correlations of morpho-agronomic traits in papaya and implications for genetic breeding
- ARTICLE – Diallel analysis of upland cotton cultivars
- ARTICLE – Estimation of competition parameters in common bean plants
- ARTICLE – Instability of ramulosis reaction of cotton cultivars with respect to crotection and registration procedures
- ARTICLE – Butyric acid tolerance of rice mutant M4 families
- ARTICLE – Performance of 19-year-old provenances of Liquidambar styraciflua in Paraguagu Paulista, São Paulo
- ARTICLE – Pollen viability and meiotic analysis of Solanum commersonii commersonii Dun., Solanum commersonii malmeanum Bitt. and Solanum tuberosum L.
- ARTICLE – Stability of upland rice lines in Minas Gerais, Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Barley cultivar BRS Lagoa
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Barley cultivar BRS Greta
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRSMG Majestoso: another common bean cultivar of carioca grain type for the state of Minas Gerais
CBAB 07 (3) 2007
- ARTICLE – QTL identification for tolerance to fruit set in tomato by fAFLP markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity of wild and cultivated Rubus species in Colombia using AFLP and SSR markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in sesame based on morphological and agronomic traits
- ARTICLE – Variability and correlations in cowpea populations for green-grain production
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction in soybean: evaluation through three methodologies
- ARTICLE – Morphological traits as variety descriptors of Arachis pintoi
- ARTICLE – Prediction of popcorn hybrid and composite means
- ARTICLE – Selection efficiency in Brachiaria hybrids using a posteriori blocking
- ARTICLE – Screening of tropical maize for salt stress tolerance
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability and morphological modifications in flooding tolerance in maize, variety BRS-4154
- ARTICLE – Effects of endogamy on microsporogenesis in popcorn
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Barley cultivar BRS Marciana
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 118 – Bread wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Barley cultivar BRS Mariana
CBAB 07 (2) 2007
- ARTICLE – Homeostasis of common bean populations with different genetic structures
- ARTICLE – Efficient in vitro micropropagation and regeneration of Artemisia vulgaris L.
- ARTICLE – Acerola plant selection and breeding value prediction in second selection cycle progenies
- ARTICLE – Development of SCAR marker linked to stem canker resistance gene in soybean
- ARTICLE – Estimates of genetic parameters in Arabic coffee derived from the Timor hybrid
- ARTICLE – Path analysis for physiological traits that influence seed germination of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg
- ARTICLE – Microsatellite molecular markers in the cultivar identification of Brazilian soybean for human consumption
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of tolerance to flooded soils in maize
- ARTICLE – Assessment of genetic diversity in maize inbred lines using RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Targeting and genotyping RGAs in a mapping population of the AA genome of wild Arachis
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of quantitative traits and hybrid breeding strategies for cashew improvement
- ARTICLE – Partial map of Coffea arabica L. and recovery of the recurrent parent in backcross progenies
- ARTICLE – Interspecific hybridization between Cajanus cajan and Cajanus cajanifolius
- ARTICLE – Induction of genetic variability in oat
- NOTES – Field and greenhouse inoculation methods for assessment of sheath blight resistance in rice
- ARTICLE – Selection index and molecular markers in reciprocal recurrent selection in maize
CBAB 07 (1) 2007
- REWIEW – Time to crop: jumping from biological modes
- ARTICLE – Inheritance study and validation of SCAR molecular marker for rust resistance in common bean
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of the sexual expression in a segregating BC1 papaya population
- ARTICLE – Association between RAPD marker OPAS13950c and anthracnose resistance allele Co-43 of common bean cultivar PI 207262
- ARTICLE – Acacia mearnsii (Fabaceae) reproductive biology: pollen tube viability and growth
- ARTICLE – Monitoring of the genetic variability in papaya parent ‘Formosa’ of ‘UENF/CALIMAN 01’ hybrid via RAPD
- ARTICLE – Analyzing the genetic diversity of Guadua ssp. in Colombia using rice and sugarcane microsatellites
- ARTICLE – DNA marker-assisted sex conversion in elite papaya genotype (Carica papaya L.)
- ARTICLE – Organic acid tolerance in M3 families of oat mutants
- ARTICLE – Genetic markers for processing traits in potato
- ARTICLE – Relative importance of per se and topcross performance in the selection of popcorn S3 families
- NOTE – Effect of allopollen in artificial crosses of white and yellow endosperm maize hybrids
- ARTICLE – Inbreeding depression simulation in popcorn cultivars to estimate the effective population size for germplasm conservation
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 113 – Early cycle wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 114 – Wheat cultivar for colder regions
- ARTICLE – Establishment of the irrigated rice cultivar SCSBRS Tio Taka by recurrent selection
CBAB 06 (4) 2006
- ARTICLE – Genotypic evaluation of accessions and individual selection in Stylosanthes spp. by simulated BLUP method
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of modified genomic region in a firm ripening tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) mutant
- ARTICLE – Physiological and biochemical response of common bean varieties treated with salicylic acid under water stress
- ARTICLE – Correlations between insect resistance and horticultural traits in potatoes
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of resistance to reddish wilting in cotton
- ARTICLE – Repeatability of yield and girth growth traits in rubber tree clones of series IAC 300
- ARTICLE – Fruit characterization of sugar apple genotypes in Presidente Dutra, Bahia
- ARTICLE – Maternal effect associated to cooking quality of common bean
- ARTICLE – Pod yield stability analysis of runner peanut lines usingAMMI
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Alvorada and BRSGO Guará irrigated rice cultivars for the states of Goiás and Tocantins
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Malting barley BRS Borema
CBAB 06 (3) 2006
- ARTICLE – Potato improvement for tropical conditions: II. Selection indices and efficiency of indirect selection
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in Eucalyptus spp. clones by molecular RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Interchanges in popcorn (Zea mays L.) involving the nucleolus organizer chromosome
- ARTICLE – Molecular analysis of the seedlessness character in grape using RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Effect of induced lodging on grain yield and quality of brewing barley
- ARTICLE – Yield and combining ability of maize cultivars under different ecogeographic conditions
- ARTICLE – In vitro morphogenesis in zygotic embryos and leaf sheaths of Euterpe edulis Martius (Arecaceae)
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of phenotypic stability of cassava clones by AMMI analysis in northwestern Paraná state
- NOTE – Estimate of cross efficiency of potato parents
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘IPR 111’ – Triticale cultivar
CBAB 06 (2) 2006
- ARTICLE – Heterosis for oil content in maize populations and hybrids of high quality protein
- ARTICLE – Potato improvement for tropical conditions: I. Analysis of stability
- ARTICLE – Combining ability of white grain popcorn populations
- ARTICLE – Acacia mearnsii De Wild. (Fabaceae) reproductive biology II: flowering and fructification phenology
- ARTICLE – Path analysis and expected response in indirect selection for grain yield in soybean
- ARTICLE – Estimates of repeatability in the evaluation of resistance of soybean genotypes to powdery mildew
- NOTE – RAPD optimization for genetic studies with Citrulus lanatus and Sesamum indicum genotypes
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Timbaúva – new wheat cultivar for low input level
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Guariba’: white-grain cowpea cultivar for the midnorth region of Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Serrano – Rye cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Supremo’: a black common bean cultivar with erect plant type recommended for central west and south Brazil
CBAB 06 (1) 2006
- ARTICLE – SCAR marker for the selection of Ry-duplex potato clones immune to potato virus Y
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability analysis of elite upland rice genotypes with SSR markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity among Capsicum accessions using RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Heterosis in papaya hybrids from partial diallel of ‘Solo’ and ‘Formosa’ parents
- ARTICLE – Prediction of genetic variability through AFLPbased measure of genetic distance in soybean
- ARTICLE – Effects of plot size on the estimation of genetic parameters in sugarcane families
- ARTICLE – Estimates of genetic parameters in Mimosa scabrella populations by random and mixed reproduction models
- ARTICLE – Soybean stability and adaptability in Southern and Central Brazil
- ARTICLE – Selection of rice genotypes with greater seedling vigor under controlled conditions
- ARTICLE – Early generation selection for tuber appearance affects potato yield components
- ARTICLE – Environmental and genotypic factors associated with genotype by environment interactions in soybean
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity in yellow passion fruit populations
- ARTICLE – Use of nonparametric selection indexes in studies of adaptability and stability of oat cultivars
- NOTE – Indirect selection of forage yield in Italian ryegrass
- CULTIVAR RELASE – BRS Camboatá – Wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Camboim – Wheat cultivar
CBAB 05 (4) 2005
- ARTICLE – Mating system in a Hevea brasiliensis population by isozyme loci
- ARTICLE – Selection of discrepant maize genotypes for nitrogen use efficiency by a chlorophyll meter
- ARTICLE – Selection of sugarcane families and parents by Reml/Blup
- ARTICLE – Estimates of genetic parameters and prediction of additive genetic values in Pinus kesya progenies
- ARTICLE – Analysis of cotton genetic diversity by microsatellites and pedigree
- ARTICLE – Chemical diversity in coffee species of genebank of Instituto Agronômico do Estado de São Paulo
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Horizonte’: new bean variety of the carioca grain type for the southern and central western regions of Brazil
- ARTICLE – ‘BRS Pitanga’: new dry bean variety of the small purple group
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of reaction to Leveillula taurica (Lev.) Arn. in Capsicum baccatum
- ARTICLE – Analysis of AFLP markers associated to the Mex-1 resistance locus in Icatu progenies
- ARTICLE – Selection aiming at upright growth habit common bean with carioca type grains
- ARTICLE – Genotypic evaluation and selection of sugarcane clones in three environments in the State of Paraná
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Louro – Wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Guabiju – Wheat cultivar
- ARTICLE – Genetic variation in Araucaria cunninghamii provenances in Luiz Antonio-SP, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Genetic variation among and within sweet corn populations detected by RAPD and SSR markers
CBAB 05 (3) 2005
- ARTICLE – Transformation of Lilium longiflorum via particle bombardment and generation of herbicide-resistant plants
- ARTICLE – Prediction of genetic value in F3 populations of Avena sativa L. using Reml/Blup
- ARTICLE – Heterotic effects in triploid watermelon hybrids
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters and QTL for tolerance to flooded soils in maize
- ARTICLE – Potential of soybean genotypes as insect resistance sources
- ARTICLE – Inheritance in oat (Avena sativa L.) of tolerance to soil aluminum toxicity
- ARTICLE – QTL mapping of Poisson traits: a simulation study
- ARTICLE – Variability in genetic resources of cacao in Rondônia, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Selection of Carioca type common bean lines with anthracnose and angular leaf spot-resistance
- ARTICLE – Stability of genetic divergence among five mentrasto accessions in two environments
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in soybean parents for backcrossing programs
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity of Pilocarpus microphyllus accessions using leaf traits
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Selection for frost resistance in Coffea arabica progenies carrying C. liberica var. dewevrei genes
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Barley cultivar BRS 224
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Malting barley cultivar BRS 225
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – MN 721 – barley cultivar
CBAB 05 (2) 2005
- ARTICLE – Development of microsatellite markers based on BAC common bean clones
- ARTICLE – Estimates of genetic variance components in asparagus hybrids in two cultivation systems
- ARTICLE – Genetic gain in an improvement program of irrigated rice in Minas Gerais
- ARTICLE – Sequential selection of potato clones
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of the number and information content of fluorescent-labeled SSR markers for rice germplasm characterization
- ARTICLE – Factor analysis in the environment stratification for the evaluation of common bean cultivars
- ARTICLE – Effects of inbreeding on the selection of sugar cane clones
- ARTICLE – Repeatability estimates of genetic, phenotypic and environmental correlations in oats with and without fungicide application
- ARTICLE – Detection and antibiotic treatment of Herbaspirillum huttiense isolated from in vitro explants of Eucalyptus sp.
- ARTICLE – Potential of selection among and within potato clonal families
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability among Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus (Mart.) Pax. et K. Hoffm. mother trees in nursery conditions
- ARTICLE – Viability of the UENF popcorn improvement program based on divergence in S1 families
- NOTE – Reaction of soybean lines to stem canker
- ARTICLE – In vitro pollen germination of feijoa (Acca sellowiana (Berg)Burret)
- ARTICLE – In vitro morphogenesis of Eucalyptus grandis: effects of antibiotics on explants
- ARTICLE – Phenotypic stability of acerola genotypes evaluated in different times
- ARTICLE – Phenotypic and molecular characterization of cultivar BRSMGTalismã regarding the principal common bean pathogens
- CULTIVAR REALEASE – MN 610 – barley cultivar
CBAB 05 (1) 2005
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity of common bean accessions in the germplasm bank of the Instituto Agronômico – IAC
- ARTICLE – Development of rice lines with gene introgression from the wild Oryza glumaepatula by the AB-QTL methodology
- ARTICLE – Duration of the growth cycle and the yield potential of potato genotypes
- ARTICLE – Genetic mapping of Japanese plum
- ARTICLE – Study of the interaction genotypes x environments in the selection process of upland rice
- ARTICLE – Distinctness of cacao cultivars using yield component data and RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Biometric analysis of Tripsacum-maize hybrid populations
- ARTICLE – Crosses recommendation method for obtaining Eucalyptus spp. hybrids assisted by molecular markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity of common bean genotypes of Carioca commercial group using RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability for dietary fiber content in common bean populations
- ARTICLE – Localized mapping of RAPD markers in Eucalyptus grandis
- ARTICLE – Selection of interspecific Brachiaria hybrids to intensify milk production on pastures
- ARTICLE – Correlations and path analysis in peanut
- ARTICLE – Genetics of lodging-resistance in wheat
- ARTICLE – Micropropagation enables the mass propagation and conservation of Dyckia distachya Hassler
CBAB 04 (4) 2004
- ARTICLE – Germplasm of Cucurbitaceae in Brazil
- ARTICLE – Sample size for number of RAPD markers to estimate genetic diversity in Eucalyptus
- ARTICLE – Yield stability of soybean lines using additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis – AMMI
- ARTICLE – Selection of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis progenies based on the predicted genetic value
- ARTICLE – Comparisons of segregating populations for genetic mapping
- ARTICLE – Single-locus inheritance and partial linkage map of Coffea arabica L.
- ARTICLE – Genetic constitution of anthracnose-resistance in common bean lines
- ARTICLE – Genetic dissimilarity among wheat genotypes for lodgingassociated traits
- ARTICLE – Breeding maize for resistance to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Argentina: genetic and environmental effects
- ARTICLE – Repeatability and correlations among peach physical traits
- ARTICLE – Introgression of Co-42 and Co-5 anthracnose resistance genes into ‘Carioca’ Common bean cultivars
- ARTICLE – Interaction genotypes x sowing periods in experimental F9:2 soybean lines
- ARTICLE – Inbreeding depression in Eucalyptus clones
- ARTICLE – Standardization of imbibition time of Common bean grains to evaluate cooking quality
- ARTICLE – Influence of the environmental index on the estimation of stability parameters of Eberhart and Russell
- ARTICLE – Selection for increasing 2n gamete production in red clover
- ARTICLE – Effect of mass selection on the mean and genetic variance of maize cultivar AL 25
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of bacterial spot disease in Capsicum annuum L.
- ARTICLE – Novel sources of multiple resistance to three races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in Lycopersicon germplasm
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘Conilon Vitória – Incaper 8142’: improved Coffea canephora var. kouillou clone cultivar for the state of Espírito Santo
CBAB 04 (3) 2004
- ARTICLE – Behavior of soybean genotypes transformed with the AHAS gene which confers tolerance to the herbicide imazapyr
- ARTICLE – Ex situ conservation of Dyckia distachya: an endangered bromeliad from South Brazil
- ARTICLE – Interaction between flowering pattern and latex yield in Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.
- ARTICLE – Discriminant analysis for the classification and clustering of robusta coffee genotypes
- ARTICLE – Variability in cacao selected by producers for resistance to witches´ broom based on microsatellite markers
- ARTICLE – Prediction of selection gains in Coffea canephora based on factorial scores
- ARTICLE – Estimates of correlations and path analyses for eight high protein and grain yield soybean populations
- ARTICLE – Polysaccharide production from callus cultures of Cereus peruvianus Mill. (Cactaceae)
- ARTICLE – Quantitative genetic analysis of storage proteins in soybean
- ARTICLE – Repeatability and number of harvests required for selection in robusta coffee
- ARTICLE – Proline: use as an indicator of temperature stress in bean seeds
- ARTICLE – Genetic components of combining ability in a complete diallel
- ARTICLE – Meiotic index in Myrtaceae native fruits trees from southern Brazil
- ARTICLE – Biovar-specific and broad-spectrum sources of resistance to bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) in Capsicum
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB928064 – Sugarcane cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 110 – Wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 111 – Wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – Jalo MG-65 – Common bean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Requinte’: new common bean Carioca cultivar with delayed grain darkness
- CULTIVAR RELASE – ‘BRS Pontal’: new common bean cultivar with Carioca grain type
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRSMG Talismã’: common bean cultivar with Carioca grain type
CBAB 04 (2) 2004
- ARTICLE – QTL mapping for common bean grain yield in different environments
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of circulant diallels as compared to complete diallels for the estimation of combining ability
- ARTICLE – Analysis of testers with broad and narrow genetic base for topcrosses in popcorn breeding
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of high quality protein maize (QPM) hybrids obtained by conversion of normal inbred lines
- ARTICLE – Selection of high protein content and high yield soybean families
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity in Carioca and Pérola cultivars of common bean based on RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of S2 progeny selection strategies in popcorn
- ARTICLE – Comparison of similarity coefficients in sesame cultivars clustering using RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Molecular detection of mutation in apple rootstocks
- ARTICLE – Colchicine treatments in anther culture of soybean
- ARTICLE – Use of REML/BLUP for the selection of sugarcane families specialized in biomass production
- ARTICLE – Variability in cacao accessions from the Brazilian, Ecuadorian, and Peruvian Amazons based on molecular markers
- ARTICLE – Effect of the number of intermatings on genetic properties of a segregant common bean population
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 109 – Bread wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 110 – Soft wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 108 – wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CD 109 – wheat cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Campeiro’: New black bean cultivar for the South of Brazil
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Timbo’: new common bean cultivar of the “Roxinho” commercial grain type
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Vereda’: new common bean cultivar of the “Rosinha” commercial grain type
- NOTE – Evaluation of the Milionário bean cultivar as bridgecrossing between ‘Ruda’ and ‘Jalo EEP 558’
- REVIEW – Genetic improvement and agribusiness in Brazil
CBAB 04 (1) 2004
- ARTICLE – RAPD marker assessment of self-pollinated inbreeding methods for common bean segregant populations
- ARTICLE – Proposal of methodologies for environment stratification and analysis of genotype adaptability
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity of cacao accessions selected for resistance to witches’ broom based on RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Relative importance of the epistatic components of genotypic variance in non-inbred populations
- ARTICLE – Efficiency of microsatellite markers in assisted selection for resistance to soybean cyst nematode (race 3)
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of F6 and F6:7 soybean generations
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameters in relation to the physiological quality of common bean seeds
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability induced by chemical and physical mutagenic agents in oat genotypes
- ARTICLE- Genetic divergence in snap-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) evaluated by different methodologies
- ARTICLE – Gherkin elite line selection
- ARTICLE – Characterization of differential coffee tree hostsfor Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. with RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Alterations in heterosis of maize populations derived from single-cross hybrids after reciprocal recurrent selection
- ARTICLE – Estimates of genetic parameters in a maize composite and potential for recurrent selection
- ARTICLE – Estimates of genetic parameters and expected genetic gains with selection in robust coffee
- ARTICLE – Comparison of nutritional efficiency among hydroponic grafted young coffee trees for N, P, and K
- ARTICLE – Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) recombinant inbred lines
- ARTICLE – Clonal selection in arracacha breeding
- ARTICLE – New sources of resistance to bacterial wilt identified in dry bean germplasm collection
- ARTICLE – Mixed inheritance model for resistance to anthracnose leaf blight in maize
- ARTICLE – Selection of common bean lines based on yield, grain type, growth habit and disease resistance
CBAB 03 (4) 2003
- ARTICLE – Morphological and molecular characterization of italian ryegrass populations
- ARTICLE – Starch content variation in cassava cultivars during four harvesting seasons in Marechal Cândido Rondon, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Popcorn parental selection based on genetic divergence
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability for traits related to cooking time in soybean
- ARTICLE – Genotype interaction x Helianthus post-harvest longevity
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability and heterozygosity of cocoa accessions of Parinari (Pa) population, based on microsatellite markers
- ARTICLE – Common bean lines reaction to the anthracnose pathogen
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR Graúna – common bean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR Juriti – common bean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Radiante’ – sugar common bean
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – ‘BRS Valente’ – black common bean
- ARTICLE – Considerations about cotton gene escape in Brazil: a review
CBAB 03 (3) 2003
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction effects on the iron content of common bean grains
- ARTICLE – Repeatability of traits evaluated in a split-plot or factorial experiment
- ARTICLE – Associations among fruit firmness, morphological traits and RAPD markers in the ‘firm’ tomato mutant
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity analysis of peppers: a comparison of discarding variable methods
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction in common bean yield and yield components
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of soybean resistance to brown spot (Septoria glycines): first studies
- ARTICLE – Cultivar x day period interaction effects on soybean artificial cross efficiency
- ARTICLE – A plant binary vector with an antisense soybean UDP-glucose dehydrogenase gene
- ARTICLE – Joint scaling test to estimate genetic parameters of soybean resistance to frogeye leaf spot
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of aluminum tolerance and grain quality in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- ARTICLE – Categorizing coefficients of variation in sunflower trials
- ARTICLE – Genetic characterization of new varieties and hybrids of citrus table fruit through isoenzymes
- ARTICLE – QTL mapping associated with rooting stem cuttings from Citrus sunki vs. Poncirus trifoliata hybrids
CBAB 03 (2) 2003
- ARTICLE – Introduction of tropical maize genotypes to increase silage production in the central area of Santa Fe, Argentina
- ARTICLE – Genetic variation in Astronium fraxinifolium populations in consortium**
- ARTICLE – Correlation estimates and assessment of selection strategies in five soybean populations
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability of soybean genotypes evaluated using three backcrosses generations: BC4, BC5 and BC6
- ARTICLE – Selection of sunflower cultivars for boron efficiency using nutrient solution
- ARTICLE – Simple and canonic correlation between agronomical and fruit quality traits in yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) populations
- ARTICLE – Embryo culture and in vitro clonal multiplication of Prunus ‘Capdeboscq’ rootstock
- ARTICLE – Effects of different cytokinins on in vitro multiplication of Prunus ‘Capdeboscq’ rootstocks
- ARTICLE – Assessment of the carbon dissimilation methodology in the in vitro growth of the ‘Paulsen 1103’ grapevine
- ARTICLE – Age trends in the genetic control of production traits in Hevea
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 87 – Bread wheat cultivar
CBAB 03 (1) 2003
- ARTICLE – Repeatability of traits evaluated in a split-plot or factorial experiment
- ARTICLE – Associations among fruit firmness, morphological traits and RAPD markers in the ‘firm’ tomato mutant
- ARTICLE – Genetic diversity analysis of peppers: a comparison of discarding variable methods
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction in common bean yield and yield components
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of soybean resistance to brown spot (Septoria glycines): first studies
- ARTICLE – Cultivar x day period interaction effects on soybean artificial cross efficiency
- ARTICLE – A plant binary vector with an antisense soybean UDP-glucose dehydrogenase gene
- ARTICLE – Joint scaling test to estimate genetic parameters of soybean resistance to frogeye leaf spot
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of aluminum tolerance and grain quality in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- ARTICLE – Categorizing coefficients of variation in sunflower trials
- ARTICLE – Genetic characterization of new varieties and hybrids of citrus table fruit through isoenzymes
- ARTICLE -QTL mapping associated with rooting stem cuttings from Citrus sunki vs. Poncirus trifoliata hybrids
CBAB 02 (4) 2002
- ARTICLE – Heritability estimates for quality and ear traits in sweet corn
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm revealed by RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Selection of common bean lines based on yield, grain type, growth habit and disease resistance
- ARTICLE – Breeding potential of single, double and multiple crosses in common bean
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and phenotypic stability in early common bean cultivars and lines
- ARTICLE – The effect of data transformation on the genetic parameter estimates of resistance to Cercospora Sojina Hara in soybean
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of male-sterility in soybean
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of soybean resistance to Cercospora sojina Hara
- ARTICLE – Assessment of genetic diversity in maize (Zea mays L.) landraces using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers
- ARTICLE – Estimates of genetic parameters and expected gains from selection of yield traits in sugarcane families
- ARTICLE – Prediction of genotypic values for yield in rubber tree-clone test trials using REML/BLUP procedure
- ARTICLE – Reaction of maize inbred lines to the bacterium Pantoea ananas isolated from Phaeosphaeria leaf spot lesions
- ARTICLE – Validation of a RAPD marker linked to the anthracnose resistant gene Co-5 in the common bean
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR 85 – Bread wheat cultivar
- ARTICLE – Agronomic and chemical characterization of soybean genotypes for human consumption
- ARTICLE – Genebank network of tropical and subtropical fruits in Brazil
- ARTICLE – A brief report on sugarcane breeding program in Alagoas, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Cassava Breeding
- ARTICLE – International partnership for rice improvement in Latin America: CIRAD, a case study
- ARTICLE – From Mendel to genomics, plant breeding milestones: a review
CBAB 02 (3) 2002
- ARTICLE – Proposal of methodology to assess the representativeness of environments for genotypic discrimination
- ARTICLE – Genetic divergence in Brachiaria species
- ARTICLE – Genetic gain for grain yield and popping expansion in full-sib recurrent selection in popcorn
- ARTICLE – Topics on the genetics of maize yield stability
- ARTICLE – Recurrence of multiple meiotic abnormalities in maize genotypes from the same origin and their influence on productivity
- ARTICLE – Combining ability in baby corn inbred lines (Zea mays L.)
- ARTICLE – Grain yield gains in three recurrent selection cycles in the CNAIRAT 4 irrigated rice population
- ARTICLE – Pollen mixture, a recombination alternative in common bean breeding
- ARTICLE – Selection of soybean genotypes resistant to insects adapted to the cerrados
- ARTICLE – Stability and adaptability of seedcotton yields of upland cotton genotypes in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Combining ability in eight selected clones of sugarcane (Saccharum sp)
- ARTICLE – Determination of the genome size and the number of markers for saturation of linkage maps of citrus
- ARTICLE – Grafted young coffee tree growth in a greenhouse
- ARTICLE – Assessment of coconut tree genetic divergence by compound sample RAPD marker analysis
- ARTICLE – Genetic similarity of Theobroma cacao L. accessions maintained in duplicate at the cacao research center germplasm collection based on RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Combining ability effects of clonal rootstocks and scions in rubber trees (Hevea)
- ARTICLE – Genetic parameter estimations of three traits used to evaluate South American leaf blight (SALB) in rubber tree
- ARTICLE – Biotechnology tolls in Araucaria angustifolia conservation and improvement: inductive factors affecting somatic embryogenesis
- ARTICLE – The cupuaçu genetic improvement program at Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Jaburu – Irrigated rice cultivar for the states of Goiás and Tocantins
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Biguá – Irrigated rice cultivar for the states of Goiás and Tocantins
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – CARNAVAL – Common bean cultivar
- ARTICLE – Collecting banana germplasm from the AAA genomic group / Cavendish subgroup
- ARTICLE – Preservation of the brazilian orchid Cattleya walkeriana Gardner using in vitro propagation
CBAB 02 (2) 2002
- ARTICLE – Biplot AMMI graphic representation of specific combining ability
- ARTICLE – Selection based on distances from ideotype
- ARTICLE – Agronomic performance of potato interspecific hybrids
- ARTICLE – Potato clones resistance to early and late blight
- ARTICLE – Yield stability in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) cultivars in the north and northwest regions of Paraná State
- ARTICLE – Crossing potential in the production of persistent green seeds in Cowpea using gtand gc genes
- ARTICLE – Preliminary evaluation of grain yield components in hexaploid tritordeum
- ARTICLE – Selection of common bean segregating populations using genetic and phenotypic parameters and RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Mapping and stability of QTLs for seed weight in common beans under different environments 1
- ARTICLE – Performance of upland rice families selected from segregant populations
- ARTICLE – Performance of upland rice families selected from segregant populations
- ARTICLE – Adaptability and stability study of soybean lines developed for high yield in Paraná State using four methodologies
- ARTICLE – Reaction of soybean cultivars to sudden death syndrome and disease scoring methods for screening resistance*
- ARTICLE – Genetic analyses of agronomic traits in F4:3[8] and F5:3[8] progenies derived from eight-parent soybean crosses
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of aluminum tolerance in maize
- ARTICLE – Heterosis and its components in crosses among high quality protein maize populations
- ARTICLE – Combining ability of tropical maize inbred lines under drought stress conditions
- ARTICLE – Genetic progress of selections between and within caribbean cherry open pollination progenies
- ARTICLE – Relationships between yield and some structural traits of the laticiferous system in Hevea clones resistant to South American leaf blight
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 138 Soybean cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 195 Malting barley cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAC JULIANA – Table grape cultivar
CBAB 02 (1) 2002
- ARTICLE – Simulation of marker-assisted recurrent selection in autogamous species
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of resistance to bacterial spot in sweet pepper genotypes
- ARTICLE – Genetic control of morphological traits in tomato fruits
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of bacterial wilt resistance in tomato plants cropped in naturally infested soils of the state of Tocantins
- ARTICLE – Estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of gains for DFT1-Ribeirão popcorn population
- ARTICLE – Sexual expression and mating system in watermelon: implications for breeding programs
- ARTICLE – Outcrossing in common bean
- ARTICLE – Characterization of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum races in Paraná state, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Predicted and realized gains of different selection strategies in soybean populations: a comparative study
- ARTICLE – Inheritance of soybean resistance to brown spot (Septoria glycines) in early greenhouse assessments
- ARTICLE – Molecular markers linked to the resistance to race 3 of the soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines
- ARTICLE – A comparative analysis of genetic distances among 24 upland cotton genotypes using RAPD markers and phenotypic characters
- ARTICLE – Yield components in sugarcane families at four locations in the state of São Paulo, Brazil
- ARTICLE – Estimates of general and specific combining ability for yield components in a partial sugarcane diallel cross
- ARTICLE – Genotypic variability of rooting capacity in Coffea arabica L. cuttings
- ARTICLE – Reproducibility of the RAPD marker and its efficiency in coffee tree genotype grouping analysis
- ARTICLE – Individual multivariate REML/BLUP in the presence of genotype x environment interaction in rubber tree (Hevea) breeding
- ARTICLE – Evaluation of field resistance to Microcyclus ulei of a collection of Amazonian rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) germplasm
- ARTICLE – Yield repeatability and evaluation period in hybrid cocoa assessment
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 189 dwarf cashew clone cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS 154, a soybean cultivar of broad adaptation
CBAB 01 (4) 2001
- ARTICLE – Genetic analysis of sweet pepper tolerance to low phosphorus availability in the soil
- ARTICLE – Gamma-ray radiation and sodium azide (NaN3) mutagenic efficiency in rice
- ARTICLE – Consequences of early selection for grain type in common bean breeding
- ARTICLE – Use of RAPD to aid selection in common bean backcross breeding programs
- ARTICLE – Response of common bean cultivars and lines to water stress
- ARTICLE – Genetic studies of a male-sterile, female-fertile soybean mutant
- ARTICLE – Genetic variability in cultivated cacao populations in Bahia, Brazil, detected by isozymes and RAPD markers
- ARTICLE – Genetic and biotechnological breeding for disease resistance in forest species: A review
- ARTICLE – Banana breeding program at Embrapa
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – RB867515 Sugarcane cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – BRS Bonança: Upland rice cultivar
CBAB 01 (3) 2001
- ARTICLE – Natural selection in four common bean traits
- ARTICLE – Seed yield combining ability among soybean genotypes in two locations
- ARTICLE – Performance of agronomic traits in a soybean F1 diallel system
- ARTICLE – Genotype x environment interaction and correlation among technological traits of soybean grains
- ARTICLE – Analysis of diallel cross for the evaluation of maize populations acrossenvironments
- ARTICLE – Path analysis under multicollinearity in S0 x S0 maize hybrids
- ARTICLE – Plot size in sugarcane family selection experiments
- ARTICLE – An alternative index for mutagenic efficiency
- ARTICLE – Tissue culture in ornamental plant breeding: A review
- ARTICLE – Genetic resources and watermelon breeding at Embrapa Semi-Arido
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UFVS-2001 Soybean Cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UFVS-2002 Soybean Cultivar
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – UFVS-2003 Soybean Cultivar
CBAB 01 (2) 2001
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IPR88 Uirapuru – Common bean
- CULTIVAR RELEASE – IAPAR 80 – Common bean
- ARTICLE – Coffee Genetic Breeding at IAPAR
- ARTICLE – Use of Heterosis in Maize Breeding: History, Methods and Perspectives – A Review
- ARTICLE – Combining Ability of Potato Genotypes for Cool and Warm Seasons in Brazil
- ARTICLE – Stability of Genetic Divergence among Eggplant Accesses in Three Stages of Development
- ARTICLE – Use of Markers as a Tool to Investigate the Presence of Disease Resistance Genes in Common Bean Cultivars
- ARTICLE – Genetic Diversity among Elite Brazilian Soybean Cultivars with Narrow Genetic Base
- ARTICLE – Comparison among Inbreeding Systems in Maize
- ARTICLE – Resistance of Common Bean Cultivar AB 136 to Races 31 and 69 of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum: the Co-6 Locus
CBAB 01 (1) 2001
- ARTICLE – Photoperiodism and Genetic Control of the Long Juvenile Period in Soybean: A Review
- ARTICLE – Twenty Six Years of Wheat Breeding Activities at IAPAR
- ARTICLE – Biometrical Analysis of a Mutant that Increases Shelf-Life of Tomato Fruits
- ARTICLE – Genetic Analysis of Soybean Seed Response to Mechanical Damage
- ARTICLE – In Vitro Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from Sweet Orange Using Thin Epicotyl Sections
- ARTICLE – Agronomical Characters and Rapd Markers Associated with the Resistant Allele to the Erysiphe polygoni in Common Bean
- ARTICLE – Estimation of Genetic Components in Popcorn Based on the Nested Design